Well, now I need your help.. Here is the problem I am having, with a test version of Custom Win10PE
.NET v46 is installed and the program launches - BUT the Display Windows is all Black..
I can hover and get tool tips and when I click the area of close, the button turns blue..
So somewhere I am Missing a File(s) dependence required for the proper display of the popup window..
Any idea what file(s) I may be missing ??
Thank You
Appears to be a unique key.
Okay, was able to get to it today:
This is from a Dell Inspiron 15 LaptopWindows Product Key InformationSo, what does this tell us?
Product Name: Windows 10 Home
OEM Edition: Win 10 RTM Core OEM:DM
Actually, it's buddette! ;-) and you're quite welcome!
That they do in fact use OEM embedded keys in the BIOS for factory OEM Windows 10 installs. That's what it looks like to me anyway. I'll let superfly confirm it though.
EDIT: lol, I type to slow.
I can add registry keys - but works OK in Win8.1PE without them...
So I assume it is a system32\ *.dll , that I am missing..
You have link for 5655 ??
Interesting... I'll need to check and see if I can merge all dependencies into the exe.
I'm not at my dev. machine, but found this link on the net. ShowKeyPlus.exe — RGhost — file sharing
The control panel colors are in the win10PE registry already...
One dependency I found was needed in win8.1PE was . Pidgenx.dll
Once program launched error message showed pidgenx.dll missing > added to PE and worked..
v5655 Displays correctly in my Win8.1PE / Win10PE, so has to be something to do with program scheme in new version
Like I said CP Registry keys already there.. So there must be another dependency somewhere
Last edited by Kyhi; 12 Oct 2015 at 14:11.