For computers with failure to boot what Showkey commands if any can be run in each:
a) Windows Recovery Environment (RE)
b) Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE)
Only legacy versions have it.
Version 1.0.7060
- CLI mode support in WinPE
- Windows 7 hive accessibility
- The standard help switchin CLI mode (-h,/? etc)
- Saving key info from GUI in WinPE saves directly to executable path else expanded to include Word and Excel file
- CLI Usage: [path]\ShowKeyPlus.exe" "[path][filename].txt" (or any text compatible extension, eg: .doc, .csv etc)
In Windows Q an OP asked about recovering a product key for Office: (post #4)
Later they reported that they booted into Windows PE using Hirens.
Windows repair fails from windows10 iso usb | Windows Questions
There is then a PE version but no RE version.