Really Annoying and Potentially Very Serious Audio Issue
I'm not really sure when this started happening.. Recently, I think. But I have the curse of an absent mind. Memory and many other psychological things come to me with considerable difficulty. But anyways.. I'm getting off-topic already. My audio driver shows up as "High Definition Audio Device," which while strange, is not something unfamiliar to me. This has always been my audio driver. The issue is rather this device not working than what it is. I fixed the probelm before by uninstalling the driver and restarting my computer but there was an update after that and it stopped working again. So as you can see, having to uninstall my audio driver and restart my computer with every update could be rather annoying. Is there anything I can do about this?
And to elaborate on what I mean by "not working," it's an issue that I've come to learn is actually fairly common. The playback devices window will still show that the drive is playing sound, but no sound will be projected. And yes, I am 100% that my speakers are all properly wired and plugged in. My speakers are not the issue. I believe the driver is, but I have no idea what "the issue" actually is.