Apps - The Good Bad & the Ugly.

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  1. Posts : 64
    Windows 10 Pro

    Apps - The Good Bad & the Ugly.

    Hi, Not asking anyone to solve this problem really but just wishing to raise the subject of problematic Apps which for me are spoiling my satisfaction of Windows 10.
    Windows 10 for me is working fine and I like it. that is all but the Apps which are a complete pain.
    Here is a taste of the problem from my Reliability Monitor for the past month:
    Download Maps Manager - failed on 12th/17th/24th September and Stopped working on 25th September and I've never actually used the darn thing. So I uninstalled it via Power Shell.
    Pel-licules programs update failed on 26th/27th and 8 times on 28th September.
    So I uninstalled Grove Music and Films and TV via Power Shell only to find they re-appeared the next day.
    The Store App - updates failed 12 times on 30th September and also stopped working once on the same date.
    The Store App update has failed 4 times today the 1st October.
    Following this Forum I find that the same problem is widely experienced.
    Just what is the trouble with Apps and what is being done to correct the situation which spoils an otherwise fine OS.
    Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Are you hibernating or "sleeping" your computer ? I'm not doing either, it's on 24/7 and never had problems with APP updating as opposed to my laptop that's most of the time in sleep mode and has update failures.
    On the other hand, APPs are just too new experience for windows and with MS tendencies to make them universal for all windows 10 devices, there's heck of more work to be done in that sphere of SW development.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 64
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    CountMike said:
    Are you hibernating or "sleeping" your computer ? I'm not doing either, it's on 24/7 and never had problems with APP updating as opposed to my laptop that's most of the time in sleep mode and has update failures.
    Hi, my computer is not in constant use. Being an octogenarian I log-on usually from 0900 till about 1600 most days for emails and my hobby of photography. It is left on during that period while I do other chores in the garden and such and I don't apply hibernate or sleep. The computer does close the screen after 15 minutes of non-use. I don't have any problem with other updates which is set to automatic. I do switch off completely other than the router each evening.
    Thank you.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    I don't look at it as a big problem, most of the APPs that do not update automatically, update at first use. At least not big enough problem to get rid of them completely as I have some use for them.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 375

    run wsreset, explained here

    also check your region settings

    I remember back in the days of Windows 95 the answer would have been format c:
    Last edited by Torquemada; 01 Oct 2015 at 07:25.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 64
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Apps - The Good Bad & the Ugly.

    Hi and thanks to you both for the advice.
    Firstly and following on from advice from CountMike I checked Power Options and found that the setting caused the PC to 'Sleep' after 30 minutes inactivity. So I changed that to 'Never' and intend to leave it on over night to see what happens.
    Secondly to Torquemada' I have ran 'wsreset' and rebooted twice with 2 sets of 4 failures to update shown.
    I then tried the second option to re-set my Region and once again re-booted and once again there were 4 further failed updates. I had also opened the Store App after each attempt. So thanks but no joy so far.
    Back to option 1 from CountMike, I will leave the computer on overnight and check again tomorrow.
    Whatever happens I will report the outcome.
    Thank you both,
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 64
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Hi, As promised in my previous post I'm reporting the findings after leaving the PC permanently switched on.
    There were 8 updates received at the same time, 4 successfully but the 4 Store ones failed yet again. See insert graphic.
    It would appear that there must be some further reason for this failure and hopefully someone may provide a solution or it may, like some other earlier failed App updates, self correct.
    Thank you.
    Apps - The Good Bad & the Ugly.-capture.jpg
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,477

    A couple of other reasons all apps will crash: Your time-zone is incorrect or your MS account needs validation. Both have happened to me.

    I do wish they would indicate the reason rather than just aborting and writing about authentication to the error logs.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Maybe you can try some of these:
    How to enable automatic app updates

    1. Open the Store
    2. Tap or click the user icon on top, next to the search form
    3. Tap or click Settings
    4. Toggle On Update apps automatically

    How to manually check for app updates

    1. Open the Store
    2. Tap or click the user icon on top, next to the search form
    3. Tap or click Downloads
    4. Tap or click Check for updates

    You can also check specific apps for updates by going to their Store page. You can use the search form to find the app, or check My Library for a list of all your apps.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 64
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Count Mike for the information. Actually I had found my way into those settings a few days ago. Nevertheless I did upon reading your 'post' follow the details to ensure that the settings were activated as suggested. They were and as once before there was an 'arrow' indicating there was an update awaiting installation. I activated it (as I had done previously) only to find that it once again failed. This graphic is for Updates today 3rd October firstly at 0835/6 which shows 4 Store failures and 6 successful for other Apps. The second set of 4 Store failures at 1003 were the result of me attempting to manually install following receipt of you 'post'.
    The Store seems not wishing to cooperate. Nevertheless thank you for your assistance, I do appreciate it. Hopefully it will sort itself out and has you said earlier it's no big deal really.

    Apps - The Good Bad & the Ugly.-capture.jpg
      My Computer


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