Download Windows 10 Watermark Remover v2

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  1. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    davehc said:
    This worked for me:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\

    Change AUOptions value to 1 - 4 :
    1 = Never check
    2 = Just Check for updates but dont download them
    3 = Automatic download updates but dont install them
    4 = Automatic download and install updates

    Apply the same change in
    Very good. I did it with Group Policy Editor:
    Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    topgundcp said:
    Just for Kick. Since I've already have a backup image, I went ahead and removed the Watermark to see if I break anything. So far I have not found anything broken yet.
    Windows Updates is still working

    However, I found that Windows Updates "Change Settings" was grayed out by MS. I guess since it is a TP, they decided to turn off this feature to automatically update as needed. However, I don't like the idea of them installing Updates without me knowing. I want to set: "Check for Updates and let me choose..." so I re-enable this feature again.

    EDIT: To restore the Watermark, just run DISM & SFC.
    Roger that! :)
    I think installing WMC was probably the main culprit for all the problems.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    The background was (on)

    WMP/WMC might be your problem. I tried them and then remove them.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 128
    Always the latest build

    Brink did a great Tutorial on this subject in the Windows EightForum. See the option to download "My_WCP_Watermark_Editor.exe. I downloaded the exe file and ran it without any problems. I ran a few virus/malware scans after the download and no problems. I was able to run the program and remove "Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" and subistuted my own personal watermark.:)
    Last edited by jm44jg39; 09 Oct 2014 at 12:05.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    jm44jg39 said:
    Brink did a great Tutorial on this subject in the Windows EightForum. See the option to download "My_WCP_Watermark_Editor.exe. I downloaded the exe file and ran it without any problems. I ran a few virus/malware scans after the download and no problems. I was able to run the program and remove "Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" and subistuted my own personal watermark.:)
    The download link was on the word: "Watermark" in my previous post also. :)
    Last edited by topgundcp; 09 Oct 2014 at 18:31.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    I see no point in removing it, it doesn`t bother me in the least.
      My Computers


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