CCleaner in Windows 10

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  1. Posts : 524
    Windows 11 Pro x64, Windows 10 Pro x64

    You have no idea, how many problems it solves. Just recently someone was unable to run an important software only because of registry leftovers of something else. It also causes problems, if you change AV, etc. People could solve so many problems with Windows just by regular cleaning.
    Many say this but there is rarely any substantial evidence that with modern Windows, cleaning the registry does anything to solve problems. It more likely will cause problems.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 149
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    As with ANY operating system:
    1. Create system image(s)
    2. Experiment
    3. Restore to system image if OS breaks
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    marsmimar said:
    As with ANY operating system:
    1. Create system image(s)
    2. Experiment
    3. Restore to system image if OS breaks
    Yup. Been doing that since my XP days. Saved me a lot of time not having to re-install the OS.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,416
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    With regards to the registry, i never clean it... very simply put, any performance that is remotely possible to gain from it does not out weight the risk regardless if you have a backup or not, the only time i really go into the registry is when there is a specific value that needs changing/deleting or adding, i won't let any software run through it and decide what's best.

    In terms of running CCleaner on Windows 10 it shouldn't matter if anything breaks it given it is only a technical preview for testing with.

    There are 2 scenarios:

    1. You have it set up in a VM or on a spare machine therefore it doesn't matter.
    2. You have it installed as your main machine, that's a risk you must have known you were taking.

    Finding what does and doesn't break it is part of the fun

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 81
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    TairikuOkami said:
    I never backup in CCleaner or WiseCare, it never caused any problems and it just bothers.
    As for the question, it removed all invalid registry entries properly, have you run it as admin?

    EDIT: I have noticed, that you run it in VM, probably it does not work properly that way?

    You have no idea, how many problems it solves. Just recently someone was unable to run an important software only because of registry leftovers of something else. It also causes problems, if you change AV, etc. People could solve so many problems with Windows just by regular cleaning.
    Well, any experienced user uninstalling an A/V knows to use their Uninstall tool.
    This should take care of the reg files left over to enable you to install a new one.

    Security Software - SingularLabs

    If you're having to resort to reg cleaners to install a new
    program , it's because you haven't done your job of cleaning up
    the uninstalled one.

    Most if not all members that ask about reg cleaners are new to those programs.
    Yes, they look inviting until it bites you in the A.

    I would certainly not encourage the use of those useless programs.

      My Computers

  6. Posts : 81
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Finding what does and doesn't break it is part of the fun
    I entirely agree with that comment.

    I've dual booted mine via a USB installer on an older W7 notebook which I bare metal installed before hand.

    Works as advertised.

      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,416
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    There is a thread here for testes apps if you want to add Working / Not Working programs to the list -

      My Computer

  8.    #18

    Has everyone forgotten that this alpha version of W10 sends it's own reports to Windows R & D? The purpose of this version is for us to try anything we used in the past allowing the good, bad and ugly to happen. Thus allowing the design team to collect volumes of data on compatibility issues.

    Plus. If one feels like adding some of their own subjective experiences with W10 they can submit it.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 42
    Windows 10 x64

    Clint said:
    Have any of you run the CCleaner reg cleaner in Win 10? I did but, I didn't delete the files. There were so many just after installing. This is just part of them.

    Attachment 5962
    I have in the past tried the registry cleaner functionality in CCleaner but often ended up with problems later on.

    These days I always make sure all the boxes in the registry cleaner section are unticked and only use CCleaner for cleaning up junk files, which it does very well.

    For that purpose, I have not had any problems with it in Windows 10.:)
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 488
    Windows 8 Pro x64

    I mosty agree with JDobbsy1987 mind you the Piriform regcleaner is VERY safe. It doesn't deep clean or remove risky items. NEVER had an issue with it. Still running the undo backup is always a good tip. And sometimes, you can find things in the registry that cause errors. I know what I'm doing though, and when I'm unsure, I research it thoroughly first.
      My Computer


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