Winaero as malware - is this credible?
So with all ad blocking disable and using another browser I do see one ad but not PC App Store.
Anyway if that's what you downloaded by mistake then that's what you should uninstall.
It can't be that hard to figure out what programs were installed on that date especially if you use Geek Uninstaller sorted by install date.
I don't see any such thing. Maybe there's an issue with your browser if it's serving up ads on that site.
Use another browser or another computer to visit the site to confirm this.
That webpage looks about the same in my Edge browser.
- - - Updated - - -
I think I finally stopped the popups...and got rid of 245 MB of files that "PC App Store" put on my computer.
I'll gather my thoughts and (if the popups don't start again) I'll show screenshots of how and what I eventually got rid of.
Thank-you Callender, and anyone else that helped me.
That webpage looks about the same in my Edge browser.
- - - Updated - - -
I think I finally stopped the popups...and got rid of 245 MB of files that "PC App Store" put on my computer.
I'll gather my thoughts and (if the popups don't start again) I'll show screenshots of how and what I eventually got rid of.
Yes let us know how if you have time.
So really searching for it as per Post #35 and Post #38 should have fixed it. Anyway it doesn't matter since you found another way.
RE: Defender. You would need a security expert to comment. My thoughts are that it could depend upon how you've configured Defender settings including:
Enable or Disable Microsoft Defender PUA Protection in Windows 10
Also read about PUA here (Potentially Unwanted Application)
PC App Store Unwanted Application - Uninstall instructions, and PC cleanup (updated)
There are a ton of other possible settings.
Or else Defender definitions updated to include the detected files when they might not have been added to virus definitions prior to installing the program. Or else it detected a threat only when a file attempted to run rather than at the point it was dropped on your drive.
Thanks for your comments Callender, and for the links.
Regarding the popups...I realised that looking at webpages without having them on the screen is possible in Firefox by keeping the cursor over the small preview pic that comes up from the bottom taskbar.
Only a small win during a lot of hassle, but It meant I could watch a YouTube video if I wanted to.
Disabling defender is because various vendors pay/expect Microsoft to protect there investments. Even if the USER for some reason would install something and that something is considered a threat, when it is not. Forcing the user to actually read what it is, before making a decision. Defender might block like any other anti-virus but it is harder to read the threat. Sometimes your unable to restore it.
Then there is things like the HOST file. Windows built in firewall. Look up HOST lists. Even for android and OSX machines. However on that list you might want to unblock certain pages because you might be using your machine to make purchases or do logins.
Defender considers you blocking Advertisements, Trackers, and or update servers is a bad thing. Android/Google attempted to block this method, because you block all the ads on your phone this way. Android 4 is the last series that allows you to use the file
openly. Android later programs just ignores the HOST file. However rule of thumb windows have to obey the HOST request.
With Winareo you can block the Windows store App advertisement pop-ups. That option should be there.
On your browser you should have
No Script ( the original script blocker )
With that you could browse the web without annoyances. However because HTML5 is Java essentially ( Java-64 rather then Java-32 ), you can not use No-Script to block out the web so easily. You can temporarily let it through but otherwise. In fact no-script is great for FLASH because it will block FLASH and allow you to view it as you want.
I am not talking about the computer user who thinks all Tablets are ipads.
I am talking about the user who knows to read and does not mind going down a list of whatever loads up.
Or the user who carrie there purse.
I downloaded the Winaero Tweaker files from the website and while trying to set it up I got this warning. Should I be concerned about it?
If you got that from the official site then no. Smart screen knows that it came from another computer so its just warning you.
You click run anyway or you can click "unblock" on the properties screen of the file.