Organizing my music

  1. CJW
    Posts : 358
    10 Pro. 64Bit

    Organizing my music

    I've used iTunes in the past & it has helped me organize my music by adding Artists, Albums, Genres, Years, Album Art, Sorting Options, etc.
    Organizing my music-itunes.jpg

    But I was wondering if anyone has experience using Foobar & Winamp.
    How do these 2 programs measure-up to iTunes when it comes to adding a song's data information?
    And will all the data information transfer correctly when copying songs to a SD Card (used in a phone)?

    I was also thinking of using VLC, but that doesn't have as much song data.
    Organizing my music-vlc.jpg
    Last edited by CJW; 16 May 2023 at 12:10.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,019
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    I use Tagscanner to edit the song information and MP3Test to check for errors. I've also used MP3Diags for testing but it's harder to use.

    Download TagScanner - MajorGeeks
      My Computers


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