what do you mean ?the programs open, but it does not appear in the menu
what is expected to happen "in the menu"
you mean they are starting minimized ?
I dont know why.
perhaps you have done something wrong when trying to cobble together that menu and programs with win10xpe.
redid everything again and this bug continues, my programs are outside boot.wim, wouldn't that be the reason?
the programs are opening, but they are kind of in the background, my menu.wcs is on top of the program
I'm going to break my head a little here, I believe the bug is coming from pecmd
thank you so far bro
- - - Updated - - -
this is funny
//DISP W1024 H768 B32 F60
EXEC %windir%\system32\winpeshl.exe
FORX !Sources\MBOOTMGR_64.wcs,Script,1,%SystemRoot%\System32\PECMD.EXE LOAD %Script%
when I put this top command the menu appears and the programs open but the background is black
//DISP W1024 H768 B32 F60
LOGO %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg
EXEC !=%windir%\system32\winpeshl.exe
FORX !Sources\MBOOTMGR_64.wcs,Script,1,%SystemRoot%\System32\PECMD.EXE LOAD %Script%
and when I put this command from above the menu does not appear, but the background image appears
//DISP W1024 H768 B32 F60
LOGO %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg
EXEC %windir%\system32\winpeshl.exe
REGI $HKCR\.wcs\=wcsfile
REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\=WCS File
REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\DefaultIcon\=%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\%PECMD%,0
REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\shell\open\command\=%PECMD% LOAD %L
REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\shell\Edit\command\=%EDIT% %L
REGI $HKCR\inifile\shell\PECMD\=PECMD load
REGI $HKCR\inifile\shell\PECMD\command\=%PECMD% "LOAD %L"
REGI $HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.NTR;.NTE;.NTX;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE; .WSF;.WSH;.WCS;.WC E;.WCX;.WCZ
wait 1000
FORX !sources\mbootmgr_64.wcs,script,1,LOAD %script%
When I put this command above that you sent me, the background image and the menu appear, but the programs do not open
Last edited by keketoco00; 10 Mar 2023 at 21:16.
I dont know how you have built your winpe are you using winxshell as well?Code:LOGO %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg EXEC %windir%\system32\winpeshl.exe INIT IU,3000 NUMK 1 ENVI PECMD=PECMD.EXE ENVI EDIT=notepad REGI $HKCR\.wcs\=wcsfile REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\=WCS File REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\DefaultIcon\=%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\%PECMD%,0 REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\shell\open\command\=%PECMD% LOAD %L REGI $HKCR\wcsfile\shell\Edit\command\=%EDIT% %L REGI $HKCR\inifile\shell\PECMD\=PECMD load REGI $HKCR\inifile\shell\PECMD\command\=%PECMD% "LOAD %L" REGI $HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.NTR;.NTE;.NTX;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.WCS;.WC E;.WCX;.WCZ WAIT 1000 SHEL explorer.exe LOGO FORX !sources\mbootmgr_64.wcs,script,1,LOAD %script%