Why does CrystalDiskInfo see my dying HDD as good?

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  1. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2
    Thread Starter

    The above works on my Linux, while the following does not:

    zbook said:

    zbook said:
    In case Sea Tools was not able to run the long generic test please run Gsmartcontrol extensive self test
    GSmartControl . Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool
    In case a Linux version is needed, run the following command to install it automatically:

    sudo apt-get install "gsmartcontrol"

    The test is called "Extended Self-test" rather than "extensive self test".
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2
    Thread Starter

    My PC failed to boot into Linux. The number of "Reported Uncorrectable Errors" increased from 5 to 7.

    Why does CrystalDiskInfo see my dying HDD as good?-hd-sentinel-reported-uncorrectable-errors-7.jpg
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2
    Thread Starter

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      My Computer


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