Can I disable any of these Adobe services?

  1. Posts : 35
    Windows 10

    Can I disable any of these Adobe services?

    What do each of these Adobe services do?
    Can I disable any of these Adobe services?-screenshot-12-.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    A lot depends what Adobe software your running some may start on there own as needed. Just stop them ànd see what stops working its simple to restart. Some depends if your logged in or not PS latest has online filters you can run unless logged in
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 35
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    A lot depends what Adobe software your running some may start on there own as needed. Just stop them ànd see what stops working its simple to restart. Some depends if your logged in or not PS latest has online filters you can run unless logged in
    That's just the thing though, most of these processes keep running even when I don't have any apps or creative cloud open. I wouldn't mind them if they closed when I closed my apps. Usually it's CCL CCX and CoreSync that are the frequent offenders.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    You didnt say what your running but Can I disable any of these Adobe services?-adobe.jpg none of those run on mine until load PS
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,881

    The simple answer is make a backup of current installation and try it.

    Nobody can say for sure whether disabling such services will or will not cause issues on your device.
      My Computer


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