Microsoft mouse and keyboard center not working....which I find quite amusing.
Hi there
running as a HOST (i.e REAL Machine not a VM) Enterprise x-64. VMWARE WORKSTATION version 10 -- NAT / Bridged networking does NOT work.
Connecting Windows machines (or simply sharing HDD's) TO W10 whether as a GUEST (a VM) or a REAL machine (note not FROM W10 - that's OK) with OS releases EARLIER than W8 or even Non windows machines fails if you simply use their host name (computer name). It DOES work if you connect via actual IP address - but often you don't want to do this especially if you are using DHCP.
Last edited by jimbo45; 10 Oct 2014 at 06:16.
It might be useful to know if Win10 is running as the main OS, dual boot from Win7 or Win8, or as a VM (Hyper-V, VMware, Virtualbox).
It's important to test all scenarios, but some issues might be related to the way Win10 is running.
I'm running Win8.1 and a Hyper-V Win10 Virtual Machine.
Success install & execution:
Snipping tool (native),
Paint (native),
VLC v2.1.5 x64 (sans audio - I need to figure that out. Kari's Hypr-V turoail gives a workaround - use RDP to connect not Hyper-V)
Textpad v5.4.2,
OpenOffice v4.1.1 (installed and tested Calc and Writer only - to conserve vHD space)
cCleaner v4.18.4844 x64
Defraggler v2.18.945 x64
Palemoon browser v24.7.2 x64
7-zip v9.20 x64 Note: could not be installed via RDP, had to copy the install pkg to the local VHD
Failed to install
Speccy v1.26 - compatibility issues. Online check for solution - no solution found
Scheduled to install at some point
Belarc Advisor
All x64 if available.
And then there's a ton of Malware scanners ... but I'm putting more effort into the Hyper-V machines - after that I'll see how my favorites apps behave.
Nice job Jamie!
Last edited by Slartybart; 12 Oct 2014 at 09:57.
Microsoft Expression Web the final free version works. I expect earlier versions would work but why bother when the final version is free.
Picasa3 working in my 2 desktops.