OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042

File Names with Unicode partially displayed in PowerShell Console; no problem in Windows 10 File Explorer.
How to configure Powershell console to display Unicode same as Windows 10 File Explorer? w/o Admin Right.

Some info in https://social.technet.microsoft.com...rshell-console

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Updates; appreciate if there is info how to make following work http://https://www.powershellcenter.com/2021/02/19/add-emojis-to-powershell-output/#comment-83

PS T:\labels> $EmojiIcon = [System.Convert]::toInt32("1F600",16)
>>  Write-Host "The Operation Completed Successfully " -NoNewline
>>  Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32($EmojiIcon))
>>  Write-Host ""
>>  Write-Host ""
The Operation Completed Successfully
PS T:\labels> [System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32($EmojiIcon)
returns strange character instead of expected ��
PS T:\labels>
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New Experimental Console Features (December 10th, 2018) as of today didn't mention Unicode..
@As of Windows 10 build 18298, when you open the properties page of any Console window, you’ll notice an additional “Terminal” tab. Click on this tab and you’ll see several new settings for some experimental features we’re working on for future OS releases:
