WinSetView (Tool to Globally Set Explorer Folder Views)

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  1. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
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    Callender said:
    Yup, saw that. I got a couple of emails resulting from that listing (interesting feature requests) but I was hoping to get some language translation contributors. Only got help with German so far.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
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    New version available. Added Keep "Apply to Folders" Views check box. This option allows for separate default views to be retained for Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos folder types. See Readme for details.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 90
    Windows 10 Pro x64 (Version 22H2)

    I am really looking forward to:
    The next major release of WinSetView will provide direct setting of each major folder type's defaults, eliminating the need for this workaround.
    (from the readme file).
    Is there any chance of also providing separate settings for search results? As also mentioned in the readme, the path columns are useful in search results but generally not needed otherwise.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
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    rsbrux said:
    I am really looking forward to:

    (from the readme file).
    Is there any chance of also providing separate settings for search results? As also mentioned in the readme, the path columns are useful in search results but generally not needed otherwise.
    Yes, Search Results are one of the major folder types to which I was referring.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
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    I just posted WinSetView 1.5 to the main branch. This version applies any selected path columns to search results only. So, if you select, for example "Folder path", that column will not appear when browsing, but will appear when you do a search. Version 1.5 also fixes an issue with incorrect columns being displayed in Library views.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Home x64 10.0.19041

    FEATURE REQUEST: A Sub-Option to the "Path" Setting

    @LesFerch WinSetView is a GREAT achievement, THANK YOU! My only request would be that perhaps you could add a sub-option to the "Path" column setting so that the user could choose whether it applies to all columns -OR- only to search results. I know this particular request might sound strange, but I have my reasons. Thanks!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
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    Biginfo said:
    @LesFerch WinSetView is a GREAT achievement, THANK YOU! My only request would be that perhaps you could add a sub-option to the "Path" column setting so that the user could choose whether it applies to all columns -OR- only to search results. I know this particular request might sound strange, but I have my reasons. Thanks!
    Thanks! That's doable, but I'm intrigued... what's the scenario where path columns are useful in views that are not search results?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Home x64 10.0.19041

    RE: Announcing WinSetView (Tool to Globally Set Explorer Folder Views)

    @LesFerch Certainly, and I do apologize for being so cryptic in my original post. THANK YOU for asking, because...

    As I write this reply, I now realize that in my feature request I failed to describe another *crucial* aspect of the request: if a file's full path is displayed, in search results or otherwise, would there ALSO be a way to select and copy that path (INCLUDING the "\filename.extension" at the end of the path) to the clipboard as text?

    THE SCENARIO: After exhaustive searching, I finally found a Windows File Explorer replacement that had this option, CubicExplorer. Among other archival documentation projects, I am always updating and appending a massive Windows reference library of my own creation. In many cases I already know the exact location of a file or locally saved web page I wish to reference, so I don't always need to spend the extra time searching my computer for it. Until recently, I used CubicExplorer's option quite often when drafting reference documents into which I pasted complete paths with their filenames. Sadly, CubicExplorer is now so much older than Windows 10 that it just won't reliably work anymore — even when running in compatibility mode.

    Therefore, I'm asking if WinSetView can be tweaked to do two things:

    1. offer the option to ALWAYS show file paths (in search results, or always, or turned off) as an available column with the filenames appended, and
    2. make those displayed paths selectable as text for copying to the clipboard.

    Does my explanation make sense here? Thank you SO much for addressing this. Having these two options in Windows File Explorer would save me buckets of time in the aggregate!
    Last edited by Biginfo; 25 May 2021 at 19:12. Reason: clarification and hopefully better grammar!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 828
    Windows 10/11
    Thread Starter

    @Biginfo Thanks for the explanation. For the next major release, I'll definitely add the option in regards to path columns being in all views or only search results. I'll look at possibly doing a quick fix for the current release, as the next major release is really major and still some weeks away.

    As for copying paths in Explorer, whether it's a normal view or search results, that is already built into Explorer:

    Shift-Right-Click the path and select "Copy as path"
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Home x64 10.0.19041

    @LesFerch Thank you so much, I stand educated!
      My Computer


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