Windows Photo Viewer Can't display pictures copied from 'Your Phone'

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  1. Posts : 7,591
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    So if images from phone are jpg then that codec won't help. On the other hand with regards to xnview - I'm not sure why people use it when xnviewmp is avaialable (free) with improvements.

    XnView MP |
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  2. Posts : 7,591
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    On another note:

    If you prefer Windows Photo Viewer over the built in Photos app then you might also like QuickViewer that I personally use as default for viewing images. If I need more functionality I'll launch one of a choice of other image viewers/ editors.

    Download QuickViewer - MajorGeeks

    Windows Photo Viewer Can't display pictures copied from 'Your Phone'-quickviewer.jpg
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 118
    Windows 10

    wiganken said:
    Answer to Dirk Gently - The 'Your Phone UI" I refer to is the Microsoft app 'Your Phone and UI means User Interface. I have placed a shortcut on the desktop and the UI launches. The phone connects to the computer via Wi-Fi not bluetooth so no cables. THe UI is very clear and allows me to drag pics from phone to computer. See partial picture.
    Attachment 323906

    Incidentally Irfanview works fine with all pictures after a couple of tweaks. It is only Windows Photo Viewer that is the problem.

    Ghot - Thanks for following this with more info.
    In that case it's not just a problem with the 'Your Phone' app, as i don't use it. Same problem ultimately though.

    I've tried a variety of replacements for Photo Viewer before now. None really offer the simplicity that Photo Viewer has. As someone who rarely needs to work with images i only need the most basic software.

    Of course, there is an image viewer that many people forget about that's even simpler than Photo Viewer. Just drag the image onto a Chrome Browser Window. (or Firefox, as you mentioned). Job done!
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  4. Posts : 565
    Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter


    OK, I installed XnView Classic Extended Setup version and it's OK so I'll see how I get on with it as default viewer. It doesn't allow text to be inserted but I can live with that shortcoming since I can insert the picture into a Word document to achieve that when I need to.


    I tried the XnViewMP and this does allow text input but I find the user interface a nightmare and the text input crude and unreliable.

    I'll stick with the XnView Classic with its more standard (and simple) UI. Thanks for the pointer though.


    Update - Discovered that XnView Classic doesn't support some picture formats that Irfanview does so I am going back to Irfanview. At least I tried both but not for me I'm afraid.
    Last edited by wiganken; 23 Mar 2021 at 05:19.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 33,895
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    I'm glad to see you're on the way to finding a viewer solution that suits you. But I'd like to chip in with a few points on some side issues raised in this thread.

    wiganken said: seems a stand-alone program that does not install. This means I cannot set it as default viewer. I like to be able to double-click on an image file which launches the viewer...

    This is true, but only in the sense that you cannot set a program that does not install (aka a portable app) as the default photo viewer in Settings > Apps > Default Apps.

    However, there's always more than one way to skin a cat. If you right-click on a .jpeg, then select 'Open with > Choose another app' you can set anything that you want to 'always open with' just as long as you can browse for and find its .exe file. Portable or installed, it makes no difference. Repeat for all image file types and you can then double-click any photo and open in an 'uninstalled' app by default.

    Here I've done that for my portable app version of Irfanview, the change can be seen to have taken in 'Choose default applications by file type' (even though you cannot set it there)....

    Windows Photo Viewer Can't display pictures copied from 'Your Phone'-image.png

    wiganken said:
    ...maybe the smart phone pictures contain metadata that Windows Photo Viewer (WPV) can't handle?...
    That seems the most likely explanation. As an experiment I've tried rescaling an image to a ridiculously large size to see if I could break Windows Photo Viewer. I got up to a 24,000 x 18,000 .jpeg and could still open it in WPV. Ironically, I couldn't test it with any larger image than that as my editor (PaintShop Pro) complained it had run out of memory when I tried to scale it to anything larger !
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 565
    Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    @Bree - OK. I'll try XnView Classic again and try your suggestion "'always open with' just as long as you can browse for and find its .exe file" because I like the way XnView keeps the window the same size as one clicks to view the next picture.
    Irfanview has the annoying habit of fitting the window size to the picture size and this behaviour can't be changed in the settings. The result is that the <- and -> icons move location on the screen so you have to reposition the mouse to regain <- -> control.

    Watch this space.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 33,895
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    wiganken said:
    @Bree - OK. I'll try XnView Classic again and try your suggestion "'always open with' just as long as you can browse for and find its .exe file"...
    More details than I gave above are here in Option Two, Step 3.

    Choose Default Apps in Windows 10

    For a portable app you'll need to use "Look for another app on this PC = Allows you to browse to and select an app to open this file with".
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 565
    Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    @Bree - Tried your suggestion and it worked so I'll use XnView Classic from now on. Thank you.

    I sometimes have both pictures and pdf files in the same folder and XnView couldn't handle the pdf files. It showed a pop-up about Ghostscript not being installed so I installed the 32-bit version of Ghostscript and it can now display pdf files as well as pictues.

    I reckon I am sorted now so I'll call this "Solved.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 33,895
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    glad I could help...
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 24,904
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5487 (x64) [22H2]

    wiganken said:

    OK, I installed XnView Classic Extended Setup version and it's OK so I'll see how I get on with it as default viewer. It doesn't allow text to be inserted but I can live with that shortcoming since I can insert the picture into a Word document to achieve that when I need to.

    Windows Photo Viewer Can't display pictures copied from 'Your Phone'-image1.png

    I've been using XnView for more years than I can remember. I think I used it with Windows XP.
    I still find things I never saw before, in XnView.
      My Computer


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