Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)

  1. Posts : 24,785
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5371 (x64) [22H2]

    Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)

    Multi-tasking comes at a cost, resource usage. You run many programs at the same time, and of course it is going to chug a little. Have you noticed when your computer begins to open programs or load files slowly? Most people open the Task Manager, and some even leave it open with the "Always on Top" option enabled, just so that they can keep an eye on their system's usage.

    That takes a good chunk of on-screen space. If you do that, but want an easier way to monitor your computer's performance, give Taskbar Monitor a shot. The application places a toolbar on the Windows Taskbar which helps you check the resource usage at a glance.

    Taskbar Monitor: Taskbar Monitor displays a deskband to indicate your computer's resource usage - gHacks Tech News

    Taskbar Stats: Taskbar Stats is an open source tool that displays your computer's resource usage on the Windows Taskbar - gHacks Tech News

    Perfmonbar: View the CPU, RAM and network usage on the Taskbar with Perfmonbar - gHacks Tech News
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @Ghot,

    I am just adding some extra customisation. I have always liked the CPU Usage Monitor [ TaskManager ] in the Taskbar like in Win Vista and Win 7. I was looking for this same option WITHOUT using Third-Party Tools to have in Win 10 and came across this thread.

    There are OTHER options that will achieve this, but I particularly wanted it to be available immediately on Startup WITHOUT having a Desktop Icon or the Taskbar Icon and have a constant visual view of the overall usage.

    This is the way that I got it to work in Win 10.

    [1] Right-Click the Desktop > New > Shortcut.
    [2] Type in taskmgr.exe > Next.
    [3] Enter Task_Manager for the Shortcut Name > Finished.
    [4] Right-Click the Shortcut > Properties > in the Run drop-down Minimised > Apply > OK.
    [5] Open Task Manager > Highlight Task Manager > Options > Hide when Minimised . . .

    Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)-ghot_taskbar1.png

    [6] Minimise Task Manager, do NOT CLOSE it.
    [7] On the Desktop > Right-Click the Shortcut > Pin to Taskbar.
    [8] Cut & Paste the Shortcut to . . .

    > C:\Users\System-Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    [9] There will be a Task Manager Icon on the TaskBar which we want to hide. Click it and then Minimise Task Manager, do NOT CLOSE it because it will NOT appear again until . . .

    • You Right-Click the Taskbar > Task Manager > Minimise [ Simplest and Easiest Option ].
    • Restart.
    • You Double-Click the Shortcut in > C:\Users\System-Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    It works great for me although it is a bit fiddly to setup etc!

    Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)-ghot_taskbar3.png

    Basically, whichever way you do this, if the Taskbar Task Manager Icon appears, click it and then Minimise it.

    I hope this helps.

    Last edited by Paul Black; 14 May 2021 at 03:21.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 31,165
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Paul, I'm used to just right click on Taskbar and click on Task manager. Always there for me

    Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)-image.png
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    AndreTen said:
    Paul, I'm used to just right click on Taskbar and click on Task manager. Always there for me.

    Taskbar Monitor displays your computer's resource usage (free)-image.png

    Very true AndreTen. I wanted to achieve this WITHOUT having a Desktop Icon or the Taskbar Icon.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 31,165
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Hide when minimized does that. Only icon in notification area is shown.

    I did it your way in hmmm, think it was XP era.. Starting it manually now, more or less
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    AndreTen said:
    Hide when minimized does that. Only icon in notification area is shown.

    Again, very true AndreTen. I just wanted it to automatically be there on Startup.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 31,165
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Paul Black said:
    Again, very true AndreTen. I just wanted it to automatically be there on Startup.
    Good tutorial, Paul.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    AndreTen said:
    Good tutorial, Paul.
    Thank you AndreTen, it is appreciated.
      My Computer


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