Looking for RAMDisk Program Suggestions

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  1. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    jimbo45 said:
    I don't think after looking at what you want to do whether a RAM disk is really worth it -- just get a faster / bigger SSD / NVme Disk.
    I still think the RAM disk makes sense. He's not looking for permanent storage, he's looking for extremely high speed scratch space in which to work from. He cranks on this area of storage during a build, or code push, etc. It pummels the device with I/O and spits out a finished product which can then be moved over to a permanent storage solution. If the power were to go out, he would lose the work in progress and would just have to start again...which makes the volatility a non-issue. And this does save on the wear and tear aspect of the SSD.

    jimbo45 said:
    If you really want mega performance out of Windows then one way is to install W2K16 or W2K19 server and convert to a workstation - otherwise the only sensible reason is for you needing that much RAM on a domestic computer is to run a whole slew of VM's.
    Licensing for Windows Server is going to be pretty expensive. Around $1000 for a single server license, and microsoft charges on per-core licensing with 8 cores being the minimum per CPU you have to buy and 16 being the minimum per host you have to buy. The 2 core pack license cost is $121.50, and with the minimums being 16, you need 8 of these...so 121.50 x 8 = $972.

    jimbo45 said:
    However using Servers as "desktop OS'es" -- M/s will hate me for this but it's eminently possible and works brilliantly too -- needs a bit of work though then it's a totally different ballgame.
    Microsoft won't care, they will actually be happy as you will be giving them significantly more money in licensing costs.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    hsehestedt said:
    Also, jimbo45, judging from your posts, I know that you seem to do a lot with VMs. I have a tendency to run a lot of VMs simultaneously and having the additional RAM would allow me some greater flexibility in that regard.
    Yep, I am a systems engineer for a living, doing Windows Server and Linux. On my recent desktop build for myself for home, which I game on and run Labs on for testing/learning/etc......I put in 64GB of RAM. For gaming, it's useless. But I frequently run labs with HyperV running
    1. Windows Server 2019 running as a DC
    2. Windows Server 2019 running as a storage server
    3. 2 x Windows Server 2019 running as a SQL Server Failover cluster
    4. 1-3 Windows 10 clients accessing these above servers.

    So, my labs typically run at a minimum of 5 VM's and up to 8.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    pparks1 said:
    I still think the RAM disk makes sense. He's not looking for permanent storage, he's looking for extremely high speed scratch space in which to work from. He cranks on this area of storage during a build, or code push, etc. It pummels the device with I/O and spits out a finished product which can then be moved over to a permanent storage solution. If the power were to go out, he would lose the work in progress and would just have to start again...which makes the volatility a non-issue. And this does save on the wear and tear aspect of the SSD.

    Licensing for Windows Server is going to be pretty expensive. Around $1000 for a single server license, and microsoft charges on per-core licensing with 8 cores being the minimum per CPU you have to buy and 16 being the minimum per host you have to buy. The 2 core pack license cost is $121.50, and with the minimums being 16, you need 8 of these...so 121.50 x 8 = $972.

    Microsoft won't care, they will actually be happy as you will be giving them significantly more money in licensing costs.
    Hi there

    If you don't mind re-installing every 180 days or so then all the trial versons are a good deal ("0 USD") -- If people are messing about with the current W19 "Insider builds" which also have a limited lifespan then I can't see whats wrong with running some of these server OS'es as trial systems too. My experience with these - especially with W2K16 and W2K19 servers is that they just blow away at "Warp factor 10" compared with bog standard W10 - especially the insider versions.

    Looking for RAMDisk Program Suggestions-screenshot_20210304_172526.png

    Of course some programs might not install -- depending on whether the application checks whether it's on a server or not - but 99% of my stuff works brilliantly on them.

    (I've also 2 W7 systems - not shown yet as these are on VMWare and need to be converted to KVM/QEMU).

    CPU usage on these servers is minimal compared to the standard W10 stuff too - especially that horrendous W10 Home edition which has so much bloat in it - it makes anything else run like greased lightning. W10 Pro is a bit better - best is W10 workstation - but why are all these systems so bad compared with the server editions.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,187
    Windows 11 Pro, 24H2
    Thread Starter

    pparks was spot on - the space used by the RAMdisk is merely scratch space for me. If I loose the contents of the RAMdisk, it won't matter in the least.

    Also, not concerned about price of licensing. I run 100% legit licensed copies on all systems, no trial versions, but I'm in a fortunate circumstance where Windows pricing is highly discounted for me as is Office, etc. .
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 7,562
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Maybe test the last free version of Softperfect ramdisk linked in this thread.

    Help a Newbie Create a RAMDisk
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    jimbo45 said:
    If you don't mind re-installing every 180 days or so then all the trial versons are a good deal ("0 USD") -- If people are messing about with the current W19 "Insider builds" which also have a limited lifespan then I can't see whats wrong with running some of these server OS'es as trial systems too.
    Absolutely correct on the Trial copies of Windows. The 180 day copies are how I run all of my labs. I'm never bothered by the time limit as I usually test something and am done testing with a few days. It's not hard with powershell to just setup what I need again every 6 months.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    hsehestedt said:
    Also, not concerned about price of licensing. I run 100% legit licensed copies on all systems, no trial versions, but I'm in a fortunate circumstance where Windows pricing is highly discounted for me as is Office, etc. .
    Haha, you are the first person using Windows that I have "EVER" heard say that.

    My office is cheap too, at least I think so, as i run Office 365. I know, it's $99 a year, but that gives me tons of cloud storage space which I am willing to pay $99 for each year and that makes office essentially free to me.

    I've previously had employers who offered the HUP (Home Use Program), which made office cheap.

    I used to also have a technet (personally paid for) and MSDN account (company paid for), that gave me access with everything I needed to work with.

    My new job doesn't give me that, (as I don't need it).....so I just use the trial versions like Jimbo mentioned above. They are good for 180 days and this suits me fine for my testing.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 4,187
    Windows 11 Pro, 24H2
    Thread Starter

    Yeah, I'm just a stickler for properly licensed software. I worked for Microsoft for over 10 years and I used to get so aggravated when I ran into people running pirated software so to this day, every single piece of software I use I have all the proper licenses for.

    If I can't afford a license, then I look for alternative software.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    hsehestedt said:
    Yeah, I'm just a stickler for properly licensed software. I worked for Microsoft for over 10 years and I used to get so aggravated when I ran into people running pirated software so to this day, every single piece of software I use I have all the proper licenses for.

    If I can't afford a license, then I look for alternative software.
    I'm very similar. I have worked for software companies my whole career. (24 years now) Way back, early on, in college and when I just started working, I screwed around with hacked, pirated, warez software, etc. I don't miss those days at all.

    #1). Like you said, there are free alternatives for so many things. If they don't need my needs, then I guess I must be willing to pay for an alternative
    #2). When I got away from those shady sites, my problems with viruses, trojans, spyware, and just problems overall kinda just went away.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    pparks1 said:
    I'm very similar. I have worked for software companies my whole career. (24 years now) Way back, early on, in college and when I just started working, I screwed around with hacked, pirated, warez software, etc. I don't miss those days at all.

    #1). Like you said, there are free alternatives for so many things. If they don't need my needs, then I guess I must be willing to pay for an alternative
    #2). When I got away from those shady sites, my problems with viruses, trojans, spyware, and just problems overall kinda just went away.
    Hi there
    For software - absolutely true - however I love some of the really older 1960's, 1970's and 1980's TV series -- I'm currently enjoying Mannix, the Time Tunnel, Space 1999, Cannon, Dept S, Falling skies, Space above and Beyond, Dr Who (original not the modern series), "V", Invasion, The Fugative, Batman - 1966-1968 series, Earth Final Conflict (S1-S5) etc etc and a whole slew more - The whole complete series as originally broadcast and the only way to get these is because some old TV enthousiats have kept these series alive on various Torrent Sites -- it's often not possible even to buy these any more -- and it's such a shame - some of these older TV series would put modern stuff to shame. !!

    I agree though for software etc --there's mega zillion ways to get perfectly legal trial stuff of Ms Software -- no need to pirate any of it -- and again the servers really are worth trialling.

      My Computer


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