Adobe Setup Folder Missing

  1. Posts : 207
    W10 Pro v22H2 64-bit

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing

    A folder called 'Setup' is supposed to be at the end of this path: C:\ProgramData\Adobe. I don't have it. Acrobat Reader DC will update automatically just fine, but if I try to do a manual update, it fails because this folder isn't there. Are the contents of this folder unique to each computer, or could anybody's folder be copied to my machine and it would work? Why can't the download/install process create the folder if it's needed? If I uninstall the software completely and re-download/install it, will that solve the problem? Thanks.
      My Computer

  2. KCR
    Posts : 355
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit, Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4894)

    vanp said:
    A folder called 'Setup' is supposed to be at the end of this path: C:\ProgramData\Adobe.

    I see that, and I also have it. . .

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-image.png

    Which is no help to you, I realize, but. . . did you try the repair tool from the help menu ?

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-image.png

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-image.png

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-image.png

    I just tried a manual update, and it seemed to work. . . I think, anyway ?

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-image.png

    I also ran this. . .

    Adobe Setup Folder Missing-no-problems.png

    Which seemed to work OK, also. . . .

    Lol. . . no doubt, you've probably tried all this already. .
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 207
    W10 Pro v22H2 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    KCR, thanks for responding.

    No doubt, I hadn't tried anything you did. I've probably never opened Reader by itself, just opened a PDF document and it opened Reader. At any rate, I tried the 'Repair Installation' thing, and all I could tell is that it put an Adobe icon on my Desktop. The Setup folder still isn't there. And I probably haven't seen any of the screens/panels you show.

    Do you know the answers to any of my questions? Thanks again.
      My Computer

  4. KCR
    Posts : 355
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit, Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4894)

    vanp said:
    Do you know the answers to any of my questions?

    . . . Well, I'm sorry, but I don't.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,280
    Windows 11 Pro (latest update ... forever anal)

    vanp said:
    If I uninstall the software completely and re-download/install it, will that solve the problem?
    Where's the harm? Just try it. It's free program to (re)download and (re)install.

    Make sure you use a decent uninstaller that cleans out leftovers - Geek Uninstaller or RevoUninstaller (both have freeware versions)
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 207
    W10 Pro v22H2 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    I uninstalled Adobe. It left some junk behind and I deleted that. I re-installed. Instead of a Setup folder there's a Temp folder with nothing in it. For some reason, the re-install didn't install the current version (I've seen that kind of thing before with Adobe), and I had to update to get the current version. The check-for-update function in the product itself will find the current version, but that function on Adobe's website won't necessarily find the current version. Now, Control Panel Programs & Features screen shows about 345 MB instead of originally 641 MB; not sure what's going on there.

    The test will come if I go to Adobe's website and there's an update there that I found and try to download before Adobe's automatic update process goes into action. That's when the Setup folder was needed.

    For now, I guess, I'm OK. Thanks to those who responded.

    EDIT: idgat, or anybody, is there a difference between deleting leftover junk from an uninstall and just deleting what I found, other than whatever maybe I didn't find?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,773
    Windows 10 Home

    vanp said:
    The test will come if I go to Adobe's website and there's an update there that I found and try to download before Adobe's automatic update process goes into action. That's when the Setup folder was needed.

    If the next update attempt fails, use Acrobat's own uninstall tool which will completely delete all traces. I have used the 32-bit version on 2015-19 DC products, on several computers to repair or reinstall both Reader and Acrobat with complete success afterward. You can get the tool on the following page, if you encounter the same problem again. It's fairly fast, so can't hurt to try -
    AcroCleaner — Adobe Labs: Utilities for Acrobat products
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 207
    W10 Pro v22H2 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, mrgeek. I've downloaded the tool and made note of the URL to make sure I have the update-to-date version, if I ever need it.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 207
    W10 Pro v22H2 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    The test I mentioned above came today. I was looking at a PDF document. When I finished, I closed it and decided to check for an update there in Reader (as opposed to on Adobe's website, where I normally look for updates). It worked, with no problems. The empty Temp folder is still there. I guess a complete test would be my normal update check on Adobe's website; not sure why it would work one place and not the other, but we are talking about computers here.
      My Computer


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