Is this site legal for archived versions of Past Windows systems

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Is this site legal for archived versions of Past Windows systems

    Hi there
    This site "Seems" legit for obtaining images of genuine Ms images of old CD ROMS

    Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

    I've looked at a couple of downloads -- there's no "activation cracks" or tricks in them - You usually seem to need your own key if you want to create VM's of these.

    Anybody here who can establish the provenance and legitimacy of the site -- doesn't seem to be promoting any sort of piracy as far as I can see -- in any case it's always good having historical archives - since so much is digital these days a lot would be lost for ever if not stored -- Just visit a typical youngsters home these days -- there's often no photos anywhere !!!

    @mod if this site is in any way dubious or against the Forum policy just delete the post - As far as I can see it looks legit.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,517
    windows 10

    Way back has been going for years it records millions of websites my old websites are on there as I was one of the first people to have their own website. So yes it's genuine
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @jimbo45,

    I have used that site in the past for various things, I think old ISO's being one of them that I used for testing purposes etc, and never had any problems as everything appeared to be genuine. However, that was a year or so ago, so things might have changed.

    I hope this helps.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
    Thread Starter

    Hi there
    Thanks folks

    I just wanted to try out W98 as a VM !!!! the CD download seemed OK.

    Marking as solved.

    Good that some people are keeping old stuff available. I don't know who is / are paying for it -- not my problem --- perhaps a Monaco Hedge fund operator who has a passionate hobby for old computer stuff !!

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    You are VERY welcome.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,665
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    And never forget that many such sites are monitored in some fashion and if a publisher of software has an issue with the offerings they will speak up and probably take action to prevent it.

    As to Windows ME/Millenium Edition and earlier versions [98SE, 98, 95] there usually will be driver issues as technology has left them behind.
      My Computers


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