MS vs 3rd party dvd and movie player
So, I was used to being able to use free dvd players.. for many years, although I very seldom put a dvd movie into a usb dvd drive. I decided I wanted to watch a movie had had that was sold on dvd from maybe 15 years ago, and have a couple decent but older usb dvd burners, movie players etc, laying around. None of them would play moves. I tried the MS store fre version,s and also the older cyblerlink movie players I have colleted over the years were released long before win7, 8, 10, etc. Nothing wou;ld play the move dvd's I have. I finally got a trial version of a movie player, but it will ost like $60.00 for the released version when it trial version expires. MS had a sale on a dvd player, and I had some pints saved up on my MS Bing account and bought that ms dvd player from the MS store. I cannot see forking out $50.00 or more for playing a movie 2x per year. Used to be able to use so many fre eplayers, or crossover that burned dvd's and played them also, or got decent oem dvd playing software with new computer parts. No longer, it is all big bucks now, but can sually find soemthing with enough searching. Lots of sftware now seems to be like lease for ayears, or subscribe, and pay for each year, or updates every year. Disappointed in this business model. Like we have so much $$$ we can just burn through it! Yes, I can fdire up Netflix, or other but they don't alwasy have soemthing, or they charge too much. I have not thouroly tested the latest dvd software I got from MS on sale, but hope it works, nothing fancy, I don't have ahome theater. But I do have VR now, but that was intended for games. But, we can used it to watch movies too. Gotten away form my main thoughts. The DVD freee software seems like athing of the past now. And if anyone beings out the old dvd's they might find their dvd player no longer able to play the movies. Sad....