Curated Bloat-free Software Lists for Windows 10 anyone?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Curated Bloat-free Software Lists for Windows 10 anyone?


    I'm still using windows 7, but would like to do some, eh hem, "research" on 10. No, actually, a family member needs my help - yeah, can you believe it, MY HELP! And it will be a good learning experience for me when I finally decide to make the upgrade.

    Do you all have a curated list of common software versions that are minimally bloated, or bloat-free and crapless that work with windows 10. I mean, it really would help to have a baseline to work from rather than looking up every app my relative uses and find out which version is optimal (antivirus, spotify, dropbox, etc, etc...) - AND, I figure you're the experts and you just might have some posts/links that my wanting search skills will miss.

    Thank you very much!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    Not quite clear on what specific programs you are looking for.

    Anti-virus? The most often recommended here is likely Windows Defender. I think it's been re-named recently, but it's included.

    Most commonly used programs have "Window 10" versions and I can't recall running into major issues with any of them. I'd go to that program's web site and get the proper version.

    "Bloat-free and crapless"?? Do you have a particular drive space issue or are you referring to Window 10 itself?

    Maybe you can be more specific?

    I suspect you and your family member will have fewer issues than you fear.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 32,685
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Yes, Windows Defender has recently been re-branded as 'Windows Security', but it still provides the same protection and is rated as a Top Product, same as the other well known names. It's all I ever use.

    Test antivirus software for Windows 10 - December 2019 | AV-TEST

    Most software that you have running in Windows 7 will continue to work after upgrading to Windows 10, so you don't really need to go out and look for new software to install. In the unlikely event that anything is incompatible, the upgrade will tell you and give you the option to back out of the upgrade, or to uninstall it and continue.
      My Computers


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