OneDrive.bat out of date?

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  1. Posts : 194
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Haha. I know some Americans who cannot construct an English sentence as well as you.

    I just want to know if setting it to 1 disables or enables in the .bat file.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    SightUp said:
    I just want to know if setting it to 1 disables or enables in the .bat file.
    That depends on the syntax, but generally 1 = Yes and 0 = No. In this case, Yes Enables Disable option.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 194
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    So, finally, why would you just disable the options rather than delete them?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,628
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    1= True (Enabled); 0 = False (Disabled).
    The value data "1" will enable "PreventNetworkTrafficPreUserSignIn", of which the default is "Disabled".
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 194
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I am so confused. If 1 is enabled, and we are trying to stop the service, why are we enabling it?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,628
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    If I were you, I would not enable it.
    I have uninstalled OneDrive, and "PreventNetworkTrafficPreUserSignIn" does not exist in my Registry.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 194
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Matthew Wai said:
    If I were you, I would not enable it.
    I have uninstalled OneDrive, and "PreventNetworkTrafficPreUserSignIn" does not exist in my Registry.

    Yeah. Exactly. I don't get what the deal is with his .bat file what so ever.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,628
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    The following key does not exist in my Registry.

    If you want to delete it, run the following:
    Reg delete "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" /F
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 18,034
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    A little while ago I decided to try and write a Batch Script that completely removed OneDrive and ALL the leftovers!

    I came up with this but for some reason it DOESN'T remove the OneDriveSetup.exe file! . . .

    @echo offecho.
    echo Terminating ANY OneDrive processes . . .
    taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe
    echo Uninstalling OneDrive .exe file from %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\ . . .
    %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /Uninstall
    echo Removing directory %UserProfile%\OneDrive . . .
    RD "%UserProfile%\OneDrive" /S /Q
    echo Removing directory %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\OneDrive . . .
    RD "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\OneDrive" /S /Q
    echo Removing directory %ProgramData%\Microsoft OneDrive . . .
    RD "%ProgramData%\Microsoft OneDrive" /S /Q
    echo Removing directory %SystemDrive%\OneDriveTemp . . .
    RD "%SystemDrive%\OneDriveTemp" /S /Q
    echo Deleting OneDrive .lnk Shorcut . . .
    DEL "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk" /S /F /Q
    echo Deleting REG Key \CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} . . .
    rem System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree
    REG Delete "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /F
    echo Deleting REG Key \Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} . . .
    rem System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree
    REG Delete "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /F
    echo Adding modified REG Key \CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} . . .
    rem System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree
    REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /V "System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" /D "0" /T REG_DWORD /F
    echo All processes completed!

    Have I left a LOT of important processes out?

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 14,332
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    This may be pertinent:
    RD or RMDIR

    Main article: rmdir

    Remove a directory (delete a directory); by default the directories must be empty of files for the command to succeed.
    The command is available in MS-DOS versions 2 and later.[1]
    The deltree command in some versions of MS-DOS and all versions of Windows 9x removes non-empty directories.
    Basically, the rd command meant in DOS that a directory had to be empty first, have all the files in it deleted before it could be removed.

    Some of the DOS commands still work in the Command Prompt and Power Shell window.
    List of DOS commands of DOS commands - Wikipedia
      My Computers


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