DelayedAutoStart means, it will wait till all Windows services are started.
Start entry indicates, whenever it will start (2-Auto/3-Manual/4-Disabled).
Code:REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OneSyncSvc" /V "Start"
In this post, you wrote "The service is used by OneDrive and by Microsoft Accout for syncing".
Will the disabling of OneSyncSvc break the link between my account and my digital license?
Hi. So, I still haven't really received an answer. To reiterate the questions at hand:
1) Between my .bat and his, is his missing anything from mine?
2) TairikuOkami's has a lot of "reg add" commands in his .bat. Why? Is it adding or removing entries?
Google found the following:
Enabling this policy sets the following registry key value to 1.[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive]"PreventNetworkTrafficPreUserSignIn"="dword:00000001"
You are asking a poorly-educated Chinese guy to confirm the meaning of an English sentence.