Issues with VLC Media Player

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  1. Posts : 68
    Ubuntu 20.04 / Windows 10 Pro (boot from grub)
    Thread Starter

    I guess I should have posted here before paying for DVDFab Player, but it was fairly late in the evening, and I was getting tired. Still, I am happy with DVDFab Player, and do not regret having purchased it. I did get the 25% discount.

    Eventually, I suppose DVD's will go the way of the CD, and we'll all be streaming and downloading all media. But as long as my library offers feature DVD's for loan, I don't need to buy a streaming or download service.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 56,995
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    ultrarunner2020 said:
    I guess I should have posted here before paying for DVDFab Player, but it was fairly late in the evening, and I was getting tired. Still, I am happy with DVDFab Player, and do not regret having purchased it. I did get the 25% discount.

    Eventually, I suppose DVD's will go the way of the CD, and we'll all be streaming and downloading all media. But as long as my library offers feature DVD's for loan, I don't need to buy a streaming or download service.
    Then you've found the solution that works best for you. That's all that matters. Really.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3,391
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    If you're having problems with VLC, suggest you try PotPlayer. It's free and available in both 32 and 64 bits. Regular updates. It beats VLC hands down, IMO.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,530
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    larc919 said:
    If you're having problems with VLC, suggest you try PotPlayer. It's free and available in both 32 and 64 bits. Regular updates. It beats VLC hands down, IMO.
    Ditto on that. Don't know why people still insist on VLC. If you didn't already install the MadVR plugin then try it.

    Setup takes a little work. You'll need to download madVR and unzip it somewhere safe (you can't delete the folder later);run Install.bat as an administrator; run madHcCtrl.exe to access your settings.

    Issues with VLC Media Player-madvr-settings.jpg
    Choose madVR as the video renderer in PotPlayer

    Issues with VLC Media Player-potplayer.jpg
    Once that's out of the way, madVR will be used for all playback, and you can start trying out its various processing, scaling and rendering options.
      My Computer


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