Error 1935

  1. Posts : 762
    windows 7

    Error 1935

    Yes I am new to Windows 10.

    When I tried to install my old Office 2003 in Windows 10, I get the Error 1935. I don't really see a simple way to fix this problem.

    Does anyone have a simple way to fix Error 1935?

    I also need to know how to get Shield for Defender to show on my Taskbar.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, you could try using a search engine like this:
    Error 1935-1.jpg

    You will find some good articles/ write-ups that may help you.

    Taskbar notifications:
    Again, you could use a search engine, or search through the tutorials here:
    Windows 10 Tutorial Index | Windows 10 Tutorials

    where you could find
    Hide or Show Notification Area Icons on Taskbar in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials

    Assuming Defender is running and its icon is hidden:

    then do this
    Error 1935-1.png

    then click the bottom link here:
    Error 1935-3.jpg

    and select on/off for Defender in the list.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 762
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    I got the shield on the taskbar, but when Defender is turned off, it does not show the red X as it should.

    BTW I did use the search feature and yes there lots hits for the Error 1935. There were none that I though were even close to EASY.
      My Computer


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