Powershell usage and usage for computer diagnostics

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  1. Posts : 130
    Windows 10

    Powershell usage and usage for computer diagnostics

    Hello Eagle51

    I've made a new topic for Powershell to keep it on topic.

    First run through of your script produced errors. I don't think it had a chance to run since >> was in front of each line and an error message for something at line 19. But no line numbers display.

    I'll try to put a screen shot up. As istands it doesn't matter much if on my Win10 or Win7
    system. This is just for the Powershell practice.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 130
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    attached is the printscreen. It looks pretty hard to read.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Powershell usage and usage for computer diagnostics-powershell-diagnostics.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey loninappleton,
    Yes, it does matter which OS you run that script on. I have not tested it on Win7, so you need to be running it on Win10. With that said, did it create a .txt file on your desktop ?

    EDIT: I'm not saying it won't run on Win7, just that I haven't tested it on Win7 :)
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    BTW ... I can't see the top of your PowerShell screen shot, but did you make sure you copy/paste the whole script ?
    You might have missed the opening $(
    write-output "CHECKING LINKAGE/INTERFACES $($env:computername) @ $(get-date -format g)"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "ALL ADAPTERS"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden -Name "*" | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property "Name", "InterfaceDescription", "InstanceID"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "NETBT INTERFACES"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\Interfaces | Format-Table -AutoSize
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "LANMAN SERVER LINKAGE"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "NETBIOS LINKAGE"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBIOS\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "NETBT LINKAGE"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "TCPIP4 LINKAGE"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "TCPIP6 LINKAGE"
    write-output "==============="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Linkage | Format-List -Property "Export","Bind","Route"
    ) > "$($env:userprofile)\Desktop\$env:computername-LINKAGE-INTERFACES.txt"
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    When you run the script, it should create a .txt file on your desktop that you can open with NotePad. This is the output (.txt file) of that script run on my Win10 PC ... You output (.txt file) will NOT have the same info as mine, but it should look similar to the following and have all the same sections (i.e ALL ADAPTERS, NETBT INTERFACES, ETC)

    Name                                  InterfaceDescription                      InstanceID                            
    ----                                  --------------------                      ----------                            
    Local Area Connection* 4              WAN Miniport (IP)                         {E22560F9-1BC5-4A01-93F3-26D553244874}
    Ethernet (Kernel Debugger)            Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter    {B5ADDF36-5134-484E-BE4F-D4FE6C88C996}
    Ethernet                              Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller        {AB546BE2-1838-4F10-A02C-F24398979A6E}
    Local Area Connection* 3              WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)            {A2A8FBC4-D620-4C1A-90DB-E501E148FA58}
    Wi-Fi                                 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168       {9A75EB70-F667-4F84-B51D-9E2260437A79}
    Local Area Connection* 6              WAN Miniport (PPPOE)                      {995FD66C-A51D-48CD-B5D9-DAA72D975CFE}
    Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface                                               {93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}
    Local Area Connection* 5              WAN Miniport (IPv6)                       {7135FB6C-E53E-4C72-9949-A9DF070D385F}
    Local Area Connection* 1              WAN Miniport (IKEv2)                      {70697FF4-C544-429F-A3A6-41A523C90411}
    Local Area Connection* 9              WAN Miniport (SSTP)                       {5AFA541F-9C80-429E-A642-3E5DEAD8F332}
    Microsoft IP-HTTPS Platform Interface                                           {2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}
    Local Area Connection* 7              WAN Miniport (PPTP)                       {223CEFC8-1E6D-4F4B-891A-F694CCF71389}
    Local Area Connection* 2              WAN Miniport (L2TP)                       {1EB18EC7-74D8-43B2-A9F0-6678E4589039}
    Local Area Connection* 11             Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2 {173EF124-79DF-40C0-A1D0-5EB66C91BC57}
    Local Area Connection* 8              Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter    {120BD28C-6DD7-4D13-9625-911B965E2A06}
    6to4 Adapter                                                                    {07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}
        Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\Interfaces
    Name                                         Property                               
    ----                                         --------                               
    Tcpip_{120bd28c-6dd7-4d13-9625-911b965e2a06} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Tcpip_{173ef124-79df-40c0-a1d0-5eb66c91bc57} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Tcpip_{9a75eb70-f667-4f84-b51d-9e2260437a79} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Tcpip_{ab546be2-1838-4f10-a02c-f24398979a6e} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Tcpip_{b5addf36-5134-484e-be4f-d4fe6c88c996} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Tcpip_{eb1680ed-d23e-4245-9409-5d0b1052ee69} NameServerList : {}                    
                                                 NetbiosOptions : 0                     
    Export : {\Device\LanmanServer_NetbiosSmb, \Device\LanmanServer_Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Bind   : {\Device\NetbiosSmb, \Device\Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Route  : {"NetbiosSmb", "Tcpip6" "{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "Tcpip6" 
             "{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}", "NetBT" "Tcpip6" "{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}"...}
    Export : {\Device\LanmanWorkstation_NetbiosSmb, 
    Bind   : {\Device\NetbiosSmb, \Device\Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Route  : {"NetbiosSmb", "Tcpip6" "{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "NetBT" "Tcpip6" 
             "{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "NetBT" "Tcpip6" "{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}"...}
    Export : {\Device\NetBIOS_NetBT_Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Bind   : {\Device\NetBT_Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Route  : {"NetBT" "Tcpip6" "{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "NetBT" "Tcpip6" 
             "{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}", "NetBT" "Tcpip6" "{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}", "NetBT" 
             "Tcpip6" "{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}"...}
    Export : {\Device\NetBT_Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
    Bind   : {\Device\Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
             \Device\Tcpip6_{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}, \Device\Tcpip6_{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}, 
    Route  : {"Tcpip6" "{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "Tcpip6" "{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}", 
             "Tcpip6" "{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}", "Tcpip6" "{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}"...}
    Export : {\Device\Tcpip_{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}, \Device\Tcpip_{B5ADDF36-5134-484E-BE4F-D4FE6C88C996}, 
             \Device\Tcpip_{AB546BE2-1838-4F10-A02C-F24398979A6E}, \Device\Tcpip_{9A75EB70-F667-4F84-B51D-9E2260437A79}...}
    Bind   : {\Device\{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}, \Device\{B5ADDF36-5134-484E-BE4F-D4FE6C88C996}, 
             \Device\{AB546BE2-1838-4F10-A02C-F24398979A6E}, \Device\{9A75EB70-F667-4F84-B51D-9E2260437A79}...}
    Route  : {"{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}", "{B5ADDF36-5134-484E-BE4F-D4FE6C88C996}", 
             "{AB546BE2-1838-4F10-A02C-F24398979A6E}", "{9A75EB70-F667-4F84-B51D-9E2260437A79}"...}
    Export : {\Device\Tcpip6_{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, 
             \Device\Tcpip6_{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}, \Device\Tcpip6_{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}, 
    Bind   : {\Device\{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}, \Device\{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}, 
             \Device\{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}, \Device\{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}...}
    Route  : {"{07374750-E68B-490E-9330-9FD785CD71B6}", "{2EE2C70C-A092-4D88-A654-98C8D7645CD5}", 
             "{93123211-9629-4E04-82F0-EA2E4F221468}", "{EB1680ED-D23E-4245-9409-5D0B1052EE69}"...}
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey loninappleton,
    I just noticed that your PowerShell prompt is showing "C:\Users\lon" in your screen shot and that's the issue. It needs to be "C:\Windows\system32", so you need change to that directory. Once you're PowerShell Prompt show you're in "C:\Windows\system32" ... try running the script again.

    At the PowerShell Prompt type in the following and hit enter.

    cd \windows\system32
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 130
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Perhaps my problem was loading Powershell from the search box rather than at System32 cmd.
    What is the command to load powershell direct?

    And yes I had the opening brackets and such. Just problems getting started.
    I am running a video job right now on the homenet machines but If I recall right, I did run
    the script on Win10.

    I'll review all that.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 57,012
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    loninappleton said:
    Perhaps my problem was loading Powershell from the search box rather than at System32 cmd.
    What is the command to load powershell direct?

    And yes I had the opening brackets and such. Just problems getting started.
    I am running a video job right now on the homenet machines but If I recall right, I did run
    the script on Win10.

    I'll review all that.
    Right-click the start button lower left of taskbar. Should be right there. On Windows 10. On Windows 7, that does not exist, but I haven't seen Win 7 in years.

    Powershell usage and usage for computer diagnostics-2018-09-30_19h26_59.png
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 130
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I got a good read from the script at windows32.

    The print screen I made and will post should have a complete list of the lines.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 130
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I thik this is it. It looks like the title in your sample.

    If not I'll rerun it.
    Powershell usage and usage for computer diagnostics Attached Files
      My Computer


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