Wiztree - free- disk space analyser - I recommend this

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  1. Posts : 45,407
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Wiztree - free- disk space analyser - I recommend this

    Occasionally I come across a program with which I very rapidly feel comfortable- a sense that it has been properly thought out, is fast, responsive, reliable and- of course- useful.

    Wiztree is one such, and is much faster than Windirstat, which also has a few drawbacks..
    Antibody Software - WizTree finds the files and folders using the most disk space on your hard drive

    Wiztree - free- disk space analyser - I recommend this-1.jpg

    It updates fast if you delete something, whether from its GUI or file explorer.

    As you can see here it uses the MFT, so like Everything etc is quick to scan- much faster than Windirstat.
    Wiztree - free- disk space analyser - I recommend this-2.jpg

    The only things I'd improve relate to the colours for the cushion disk map.

    I've made some changes:
    I found the default rather dull and not the most helpful.
    I wanted reds and oranges for file types I might be most likely to want to delete.
    I've added some file types which were not allocated a colour, some of them well known like avi, pdf for example.

    You may find this of interest.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 348
    Windows 10 Home 64bit

    Looks like a mash-up of Tree Size Free and another much older app that visualized the allotted drives the same way. I like toys. I'll check it out.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27
    Windows 10 Pro V 1803 Build 17134.556

    I discovered this little program a couple of years ago. I really like it and I recommend it for those who want to know what is taking up disk space. The interface is rather easy to use, as well.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Not to mention, that WizTree actually works compared to TreeSize, which has one job and it fails to do it.
    They make excuses in their FAQ, that it is because of that and that, but the fact it, that it does not work.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Wiztree - free- disk space analyser - I recommend this-capture_09242018_234926.jpg  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Not sure why people still recommend TreeSize as WizTree is much faster. Am I missing something or maybe they haven't experienced the speed of WizTree yet?

    If there's something better/faster than WizTree that shows disk usage visually, please let me know. Thanks.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    I don't understand the complaints against Treesize. I use it all the time and have never had a problem. Speed is fine.

    I'll look at WizTree so maybe I can see what the buzz is about.

    Edit: The wiggling donate button is very annoying. I don't particularly like the cushion map. It's why I stopped using WinDirStat.

    I'll stick with Treesize.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 33,665
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Like Ztrucker, I use TreeSize Free and have no issues with it. I would like to know more about what it is that @TairikuOkami says doesn't work.

    Testing WizTree alongside TreeSize the first thing I looked for was whether it could see the contents of System Volume Information as TreeSize can. It does, so both are one up on WinDirStat which has this blind spot.

    I notice that WizTree displays the metadata files such as $Extend and $MFT whereas TreeSize does not. Not really sure how useful this would be to me though.

    $Extend (11) - File - NTFS Documentation
    $MFT (0) - File - NTFS Documentation
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 7,530
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    For a quick check I use Wiztree. For something more in depth I use Xinorbis portable.

    Xinorbis (and tools) download | SourceForge.net
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    WizTree is noticeably faster, portable, and the map can be disabled from Options if one desires.

    I use it rarely enough to easily just tune out the trembling donate button. Peace
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 8,030
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    I too have no problems using TreeSize Free
      My Computers


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