Need help getting Windows 10 News notifications working again.
I've found a number of posts on how to turn off Windows 10 News notifications, but none on how to get them working again if enabling it in settings doesn't work. I stopped getting new news notifications on my notebook in the past few weeks. A monthly rollup went through in that time, but I don't really remember if that triggered the problem.
The icon in the system tray has been solid white for weeks. At one point a new notification actually did appear, and I was hoping the issue would go away after that successfully opened the new news story. But the problem has persisted.
My Windows 10 PC showed no new notifications until I clicked the non-white icon, and saw no articles listed. However when I exited the notification pane, Windows grabbed 3 new articles, showed the white icon that then did show the articles.
I've tried disabling notifications, exiting News, going back in and re-enabling it again. But that didn't get them working again.
Has anyone seen this before and/or know how I might me able to kick-start getting this working again on my notebook?