can someone explain my cpu speeds

  1. Posts : 5
    windows 10

    can someone explain my cpu speeds

    hi there
    im not realy into hardware, but this puzzels me

    i have a brand new laptop
    I7 7700HQ base freq 2.80 max turbo freq 3.80

    when i am rendering 3d in photoshop my videocard is not maxed out (gtx 1060)

    but my cpu is maxed out it runs at 100 % (al 8 treads as seen in task manager)
    taskmanager says that my cpu runs at 3.2 to 3.4 GHz at this moment

    and this puzzels me
    to my understanding of my cpu it max multicore speed should be 2.8
    and only a singel core could run at max 3.80 by recieving more voltage

    so how come my taskmanager states 3.2 / 3.4 with al treads at 100 %

    its not a problem just would like to know the answer

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Your CPU is designed to work at 2.80. Turbo freq might increase it for up to 3.8 for a limited time. But since it is not designed to run at the turbo speed, it changes the speed based on the temperature and voltage.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    TairikuOkami said:
    Your CPU is designed to work at 2.80. Turbo freq might increase it for up to 3.8 for a limited time. But since it is not designed to run at the turbo speed, it changes the speed based on the temperature and voltage.
    so my understandinng that only one cpu could run at a higher freg is not true .....

    is this then true :
    my cores can run at higer speed if the workload needs it , limited by voltage and temp

    the max speed of 3.8 can only be achived when one core (by non multi tread software) has to do al the workload

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Many CPUs can go into a limited turbo mode for more than one core if temperatures are low enough. But full turbo frequency would be limited to a single core and probably only for a short time. The lower the temperatures the more options the CPU has.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 366
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    The full turbo is something rarely actually reached. Most software today that needs a lot of power is multithreaded so it uses 2 or more cores at the same time. To limit temperature and power draw, the CPU will limit turbo speeds if more than one core is active.
      My Computers


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