Ccleaner or ?

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  1. Posts : 115
    windows 10 home

    Ccleaner or ?

    Is Ccleaner the only tool you can clean your Windows 10 with(not registry)safely?
    I have Bitdefender Total Security 2018, can I use the optimizer build in that product?
    I am not a techie so what software out there can I use?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home
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  3. Posts : 62
    Windows 10

    I have recently in the last week or so discovered the iobit line of products. I like the performance of them.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    I use ccleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner but NOT for the defrag part (not sure I trust it).
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 14,657
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    For a great number of posters here CCleaner [formerly called Crap Cleaner] has proven not to cause any problems. There's several functions and any/all/one can be run as desired.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 477
    Win 10 Pro x64 19645 Fast

    Through the years of trying different cleaners I found that using CC plus the native installed Windows cleaner did about the best as any others. Using the installed cleaner is not difficult and a tutorial can be found here:

    Open and Use Disk Cleanup in Windows 10 Windows 10 Performance Maintenance Tutorials

    P.S. I'm no expert but I feel the registry cleaner in CC is fairly safe. Just don't adjust any of the default settings unless you are really sure about doing so. Also do the registry back up when CC asks if you want to do so.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 2,797
    Windows 10

    You don't need to use any snake oil application. There are tools within Windows Admin tools.

    Maybe CCleaner registry cleaner is safe, but it does absolutely nothing useful so why do it. I certainly don't accept it's default settings.
    It does cause problems for users, though most don't know it, unaware of another spurious manager meddling.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 15,881

    CCleaner is like a petrol chainsaw - in hands of an expert, fine but in hands of a novice,chaos can ensue.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    inb4 this thread turns in to another long flame war, he's just after an opinion on the software.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 1,345
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    isaccasi said:
    Is Ccleaner the only tool you can clean your Windows 10 with(not registry)safely?
    I have Bitdefender Total Security 2018, can I use the optimizer build in that product?
    I don't use Bitdefender but here is my opinion.
    --- Don't set it and forget it. I've seen that on too many utility and protection programs over the years
    Review and know what the optimizer does.
    --- Keep up with knowing what it is supposed to do. At first it might be daunting to figure that out but after a while it becomes pretty natural to keep up on whether or not it's doing it's job.
    --- I suspect the optimizer includes a registry cleaner: it appears to me that you might not want to have their registry cleaner in use: others can chime in on that thought.
    --- Try it so you'll have time to decide if you will want to renew it when it's time.

    But then Windows 10 already has reliable built in tools in their Security and Maintenance section in Control Panel.
    --- This may be a plug for that as opposed to an opinion but that's part of how I keep my 3 Windows 10 computers lean & mean.
      My Computer


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