Desktop and Taskbar won't appear - Black screen

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Desktop and Taskbar won't appear - Black screen

    After performing the latest Windows Update, I restarted my computer and logged in with no problems at all (the login screen did appear). When it got to where the desktop should be, I was faced with a blank screen and a mouse cursor that I could move around. After playing around a bit I realized I could do Ctrl+Alt+Del and open task manager through which I could manually start any of my programs and they would all appear on top of the black screen (the windows are perfectly normal, stacking and moving as they should), I just don't have a taskbar or desktop with which to navigate them and am resigned to using Alt+Tab. If I minimize a window, it shrinks into a small bar with the options to reopen, maximize, or close the window. I can open any file location with Task Manager and all my files are still there and I can access all of them. I've tried updating graphics drivers, I've tried troubleshooting update errors, but I am genuinely lost as I am not very tech-savvy.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,001
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi RedForce. Welcome to the TenForums @RedForce

    I'm assuming this Update was a regular monthly update and not you receiving the Creator Update. If so System Restore may help you. If you know this was the Creator update then you might be able to use the "Go back to the previous build" option. You will see it in the tutorial screen shots with the large red arrow.

    If you press Alt + F4 do you get a menu? If so navigate to Restart, then hold the shift key down and click "OK" to Restart.

    When your machine restarts you should be presented with the Advance Startup Options. Follow the tutorial to System Restore, that is and restore to an earlier time.

    Boot to Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10

      My Computer


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