Apparently my MSI motherboard is not compatible with Windows creators

  1. Posts : 70
    Windows 10

    Apparently my MSI motherboard is not compatible with Windows creators

    I spoke to Microsoft after they re-installed latest windows 10. There were some buggy issues after the update, e.g couldnt click windows icon at bottom left corner, black screen with white mouse on loading my account from startup (this happend before the re-install also).

    They told me (using this link > that MSI motherboards are not compatible with creators update and that I have to roll back to older 1604 windows version (I think its that number version). Also something about my available physical memory that they looked at.

    Here is an image showing my PC system info

    My PC is working all fine atm. I used logmein remote control with a Microsoft technician. He pressed 'ctrl, alt, delete' and then the black screen somehow dissapeared. Windows task logo was not bugged anymore. But then he goes onto say you need to rollback windows version as current one is not good with MSI motherboards

    Really confused as to what to do as I dont want anything bad happening again. This black screen white mouse issue happend 3 times as well.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 70
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    So Apparently my "personalised settings (not responding)" is due to not being enough ram, or the 'available physical memory' shown in my system info. This post is kinda useless maybe so you can delete it mods
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 137
    10 Pro 16299.248 64 Bit

    i'm not surprised. i just did a upgrade to my system and i was using a msi board and on cu my cpu usage always ran in the 90's. i switched to a asus board and the system is running perfectly. i didn't even end up reinstalling windows.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 137
    10 Pro 16299.248 64 Bit

    C0zzie said:
    So Apparently my "personalised settings (not responding)" is due to not being enough ram, or the 'available physical memory' shown in my system info. This post is kinda useless maybe so you can delete it mods
    the thead is fine. it's good for peeps that have msi motherboards to know this.
      My Computer


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