cmd.exe issues, cannot open command prompt to repair with SFC.

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    cmd.exe issues, cannot open command prompt to repair with SFC.

    Hi guys I'm new to this but figured this was the next best thing before involving a computer tech. Ever since yesterday I've been having issues with just about every game on my computer. League stopped patching for "unknown issues", got home today and Overwatch was having issues with agent.exe(blizzards command prompt to run battlenet) and when I try to open a command prompt to try and force repair, it refuses. Saying that it cannot open the application correctly. I saw that you should try running it as admin, but I can't elevate the command to make it open. I know you have to go through command prompt to enable yourself to do that also, which as you know I cannot. I ran multiple scans and my computer isn't finding any viruses, I'm just not sure what is going on here and how I can fix it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 164
    Pro x64 Desktop v1607 14393.51, Home x64 Laptop v1607 14393.51

    Did you try right clicking the Windows Start icon and selecting the inherent elevated command prompt option?

    cmd.exe issues, cannot open command prompt to repair with SFC.-screenshot-42-.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 164
    Pro x64 Desktop v1607 14393.51, Home x64 Laptop v1607 14393.51

    duplicate post; please ignore.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    aardvark said:
    Did you try right clicking the Windows Start icon and selecting the inherent elevated command prompt option?
    cmd.exe issues, cannot open command prompt to repair with SFC.-screenshot-42-.png
    Yeah and I get the same error message.
      My Computer


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