Performance Problems

  1. Posts : 1,485
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit 20H2 19042.844

    Performance Problems

    Hi All

    Recently switched back to Windows Defender from Avast Free, anyways having high memory usage with MS Edge, slow downs at times while gaming, thinking maybe PC can't handle Defender, despite it's AMD FX 8310 8 Core, 3.40ghz, R7 240 video card, it might be Firestorm though causing it, adjusting a setting in there in a moment, and seeing if it improves.

    I did sfc scan now, no intergrity violations found, dism cleanup image done, disk cleanup, and checked optimization, anything else I I could do? or just wait to Annivesary update clean install, and just use 1 Antiivrus permently , and not remove one, monthly, and try Defender again or go back to Avast a week or two later
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Lots of fixes in Edge with the Anniversary update. August 2nd is less than a week away, I'd say wait.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1,485
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit 20H2 19042.844
    Thread Starter

    Think I may have it solved now, found out Firestorm had video memory up to 1024mbs, lowered that back to Default of 512mbs, and system seems to be responding better, perhaps that application couldn't handle using more than that, (Firestorm viewer, 3rd party Secondlife viewer)

    Anyhow Anniversary update less than week away, so any other issues should be totally solved then

    Memory Usage holding at 51 percent now, CPU usage holding at 18-20 percent with same programs open, will mark as Solved after a few more hours of testing, or a little more tomorrow just to be sure
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    Good ...
      My Computers


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