Performance comparison

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  1. Posts : 7

    Performance comparison

    So, i know that it is still very alpha release of windows 10 and there should be many changes before final release, but what do you think about performance of windows 10 in its current stage (of course, lol, installed as real os, not in vmware or anything like that) ? Personaly, win7 vs win 8.1 :
    1) windows 7 works faster with graphics;
    2) windows 8.1 works faster with external usb2.0 hdd;
    3) windows 8.1 works faster with cpu;
    4) windows 7 works faster with internal sata ssd;

    How does 10 compares to 7/8.1 ?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Just my 2c, but it's way too early to start comparing the performance of Win10 vs either Win8.1 or Win7. The only way to compare them is to wait for the final version and then the tests will be meaningful.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    I would expect Windows 10 performance to be on a par or better than Window 8 which is generally faster than Windows 7.

    Performance comparisons are more difficult than most people imagine. There are many ways where performance is influenced by factors other than what is supposedly being compared. Subjective comparisons in particular are highly suspect being much influenced by the placebo effect.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    I believe you mean Beta not Alpha but 10 does act like a alpha when dual boot is around

    I just got through dusting off and reload 8-8.1 and that my friends is one ugly mother,
    So yes 10 still in beta is allot better in it's rough form than 8.1 is in finished form,
    Neither compare with 7 because it rules to this day but at least 10 has a better chance if Microsoft doesn't screw it up
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    Well, if this was beta version, then we would already have some drivers for win10 from nvidia, amd and so on, but there is none, so its not yet beta. Beta version is basically fully functional version with many bugs, that has drivers and so on, and current win10 version is "developer preview" version, which is made for devs to start making drivers for it, its far away from being users beta version.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    You need a few regular boot ups of both 8.1 and W10 before you can start measuring the performance. These OS'es have a "vague sort" (actually very complex in practice) algorithm built in which builds a sort of internal history DB of the users most commonly used functions. What the OS then tries to do is to keep this data in some form of internal table or data area and "preload / pre fetch" this so when the user wants to run the application it is already there and available for use.

    I think a few of you will probably have noticed that the initial start ups of the OS after the first few boots take a bit longer than after you've had the Os and used it regularly for a short time. (Note in the LONG term the OS often degrades due to all sorts of factors but that's a totally different issue to this one).

    Actually I find W7 a dog starting up compared with either W10 or W8.1 - all OS'es on SSD and running from a real machine and not in a double / triple boot scenario either.

    probably it also depends on what you are running as well --I have a SAP test IDES system on W7 and that is a REAL HOG and undoubtedly uses a lot of resource intensive start up modules so it's also hard to compare OS'es running different applications too especially when the application concerned can't run on W8.1 / W10 (yet) --namely the SAP IDES system..

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 399
    Windows 10 X64


    we should forget about Win 7, since this OS will no longer be supported in 2020.

    Good call from MS.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    Well, yes, testing depends on many factors, and its almost impossible to do 100% accurate testing because of various things that can make impact, like windows 7 not being able to install in uefi mode, graphics card drivers always having its own issues, real life usage programs(not some synthetic tests like pi calc, unigine and so on) also having its own issues and so on, but in the end you still can just do some testing a few times and save results(min, avg, max), because thats what matters.

    And no, whatever ms will going to do, w7 is the only realable os, and cutting of its support is not a good move, not that i care, i will still use w7 for like 10 years minimum, and if they will not release a os as good in general as w7, then bye bye technologies.

    You all know that meme "shut up and take my money" - get ready to release a new one for microbrains : "go away, we dont need your money" :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there

    It's strange to see people saying "I'll stick with this OS for 10 years" or whatever. In fact 10 years as I've pointed out before is a GEOLOGICAL AGE when it comes to technology.

    Eventually for phone calls we won't need an oblong usually black piece of metal / plastic with a small glass screen on it - but maybe something like a small wristwatch that could project a genuine hologram that we could speak to when we wanted. Even now these types of watches are showing up as phones - you don't even need to speak into a mouth piece like you do with a normal phone. Listening is enabled by some type of wireless blue tooth earphone.

    We haven't a clue how we'll be using computers in 10 years. I recommend you look at that film Minority Report to show some of the ways in which Touch could work in the future and that film was released in 2002.

    Minority Report (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    New hardware will require newer OS'es which probably will be very different from todays versions whether created by Ms or others.

    W7 was a fine OS but it's getting long in the tooth these days especially once you start getting fast 8 core hardware and the like. It probably won't be too long either before 128 bit OS'es appear with programming Languages made into things like Simple English.

    In order to create complex programming languages to work as Simple English will also require a HUGE amount of compute power but that will really make a difference when almost anybody can sit down at a computer and state what they want to do in simple English sentences (or other languages if you are unhappy with English) and the OS will create the code and interface (GUI) to run the task.

    I'm still amazed at how set some people are in their ways -- I'm not young any more yet it seems people of my generation seem more adventurous with a lot of this newer technology than some of the younger ones who supposedly are in their most creative years.

    Perhaps those of us coming up to near retirement had a "golden age" - Free universities, decent pensions and relatively decent and secure jobs -- today unfortunately a lot of that has gone relatively pear shaped - I don't envy those just starting out into their careers one bit now - especially as a lot of Sophisticated Robots will take over jobs formerly done by humans.

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 15,227
    Windows 10 IoT

    I noticed notepad opens a lot faster in Windows 10 that in Windows 8.1.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
      My Computer


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