Need help tracking down what's causing disc usage

  1. Posts : 1
    Win 10

    Need help tracking down what's causing disc usage

    Hello. So I've googled and seen this is a pretty common issue (disc thrashing). But I'm not sure how to exactly narrow down the exact process and possibly kill it. My pc doesn't exactly slow down during this, but it looks like it's random and the 'thrashing' goes on for several minutes several times per day.

    It appears it's something in: Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) (8).
    (see attachments).

    I have Process Explorer and Process Monitor. Any help is appreciated in narrowing down and killing this process.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Need help tracking down what's causing disc usage-p1.jpg   Need help tracking down what's causing disc usage-p2.jpg  
    Last edited by Cerpintine; 01 Oct 2015 at 10:45.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,325

    Cerpintine said:
    Hello. So I've googled and seen this is a pretty common issue (disc thrashing). But I'm not sure how to exactly narrow down the exact process and possibly kill it. My pc doesn't exactly slow down during this, but it looks like it's random and the 'thrashing' goes on for several minutes several times per day.

    It appears it's something in: Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) (8).
    (see attachments).

    I have Process Explorer and Process Monitor. Any help is appreciated in narrowing down and killing this process.
    Hi Cerpintine and welcome to Tenforums.

    I recently had this same problem with a system I was working on. It was a Toshiba W8.1 x64 which I upgraded to W10 home. It was a real brain-buster, and all I could do was guess. I finally figured it out, and it may be no help at all for you, but I'll tell you what happened.

    The system came with all the Toshiba bloatware, and several "trial" programs, one of them being Symantec/Norton Anti-Theft. First I removed the unnecessary bloatware. Now, the anti-theft program had never been used. Because of that, I was not able to "uninstall" it. So, I tried to install it, just so I could uninstall it. But it would not install - it did nothing. So, it was there, but it wasn't.

    I proceeded to manually remove all files/folders, and then went hacking the registry until I cleared out every entry and every key I could find for Norton and Symantec. BINGO! Thrashing gone.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 472
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit v1803 build 17133.73

    Been running some version of norton since 2001. No problem no issues whatsoever. None. Win10 64bit pro, Norton Security here. No problem, no issues whatsoever. Every damn computer has some unique individual component that raises hell, probably a bios coding issue, that allows or doesn't allow all kinds of 3rd party compatibility issues. Basically run what works for you. IMO. Unless you built and coded the basic operating system yourself who knows what is lying on the Motherboard when you install the OS. And then there is Windows Update...
      My Computer


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