Lag spikes / glitches affecting performance
I've been having a problem for the last week or so, basically I keep getting lag spikes / glitches that affect the performance of my machine. This manifests itself in the most obvious way as what can best be described as occasional "gzzzfchzz" sounds (much like a BSoD sound while playing video, but only for a fraction of a second). I first noticed it on YouTube and thought it may be a browser issue, but I've since experienced it playing literally any video or sound, and less obviously while doing anything whatsoever on my machine (although since they're only for a fraction of a second they're less obvious when doing anything without sound).
Someone else seems to have had the same problem as me:
Occasional micro-stuttering / lag-spikes - Windows 10 Forums
Although they don't say exactly how they fixed it...
I've had Windows 10 installed since the public release day, I have all drivers updated to the latest versions, and I'm running on an Intel i7-4770K (not overclocked) with 32GB of DDR3 RAM and a Samsung 840 EVO SSD so it's a system that really shouldn't be encountering any lag, especially just playing Netflix or an MP3.
Any help would be appreciated since it's driving me mad.
Here's a little clip of what happens, the glitch is half way through at 5 seconds: