Slow load,system hang

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  1. Posts : 26
    W10 Pro x64

    Slow load,system hang

    Having problems on my W10 desktop PC. Booting up the system was hanging at login screen after entering in my p/w. Made it past the login screen and able to get to desktop, AV and other apps begin to load and everything seems to hang. Brought up task manager and it just froze as well. Restarted a few times and it just appears to be stuck in this loading state. 4790K, ASrock z97 Extreme 6/3.1, Samsung 850 Evo, H110i. I was trying to start getting this still rather new build dialed in. Reset everything in UEFI to default. Any tips/suggestions?

    Posted from my W10 Laptop.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 81
    Windows 10

    Is it a clean install?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 26
    W10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Yes,clean install.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 81
    Windows 10

    Look at your startup menu, and start disabling them one by one, beginning with your AV.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 26
    W10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Clive K said:
    Look at your startup menu, and start disabling them one by one, beginning with your AV.
    When I launch Task Manager, it becomes unresponsive; along with the rest of the system. Everything just seems to hang on startup. The last time I had the system up and running on Sat, I did a f/w update for the SSD, Samsung Magician. Safe mode in W10 isn't like it used to be on prior versions of Windows?? Since the system hangs and startup I can't find out whats making it hang. This is whats making it frustrating.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 81
    Windows 10

    If you can get to Power>Restart hold the Shift key and click Restart. You'll be presented with various boot options, including safe mode.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Eevn though Asrock is not well known board but it is very good. I built a PC for a friend and it only took under 10 sec to boot with ultra fast option enabled in the BIOS.

    1. Try this link: Startup Delay Time - Reduce in Windows 8 . For 8 but also works in 10.
    2. Disconnect any external device and try boot up to see if they are the cause.
    3. Run chkdsk on all HD/SSD
    4. Optimize SSD.
    5. Disable all 3rd party Shell Extensions. This seems like unrelated but sometimes causes all kind of problems.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 26
    W10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    The system hangs at login screen after entering my p/w. I was able to get to the desktop,system unresponsive. I was able to move my mouse around being able to do just about only that. Cant get to task manager, tried to hold shift + restart. System just sits there unresponsive. This is my first venture with an ASrock board. The sales guy talked me into it and assured it was just as good as an ASUS or Gigabyte board that I had used in prior builds. Not sure if the board is to blame for all of this; so far hasn't been much of a pleasant experience.

    Next steps?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 81
    Windows 10

    Fastest way will be a reinstall. Then watch what goes in your startup, for example your AV. Try restarting after everything that is placed in your startup. If you have more than one hard drive, or an external, use Macrium (free download) to make an image with a rescue disk (you make it with Macrium.)
    The image restore will save you time. Don't blame your MB yet. Too early for that.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 26
    W10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Clean install or try the reset option? I have yet to try the reset option. Trying to figure out so I know to backup my data or not.
      My Computer


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