I'm wondering how it is that Hard Disk Sentinel appears to show 2 disks of the same size, each with C: (OS)?
Your Crystal Diskinfo and initial task manager screenshot appeared to show only 1 disk.
Please could you clarify exactly what disks you have in your PC - and how they are connected.
I saw a reference to Optane- are you using Intel Optane? (See what I found about your disks below). I think HD Sentinel could be misrepresenting that - well, inasmuch as users don't have access to Optane accelerator disks- access would be limited.
I've never used Optane, so I've asked another member who does to give his opinion. I would wait for that.
I have a lurking suspicion I've seen something about slow performance and Optane.. and the user disabling that. Can't be sure Optane became obsolete around 2021, so it may be this relates to you seeing your system slow down. Just a thought at this point.
I suggest you try disabling Optane pairing.
Here are 2 of your 3 screenshots from your docx file, using forum features as I asked you to use.
a. makes them immediately visible
b. saves respondents time
c. they expand when clicked on
d. respondents don't have to download a file
e. the quality would be better (at least in this case)
a. create your screenshot and save as a jpg or png file.
b. upload it to the forum as I showed you.
You will immediately see search indexing is not the cause of your problem as I said. Disk usage is still 100% with very little happening.
I asked for details of your disks. I have looked up the codes for you:
System Memory Accelerators Intel Optane Memory 16GB PCIe M2 100 PCK
2TB SATA III Performance Hard Disk Drive
You mention 5 mins cold boot time. Assuming that's with your hard drive, I'd expect better than 3.5 mins, for example. Less if you have fast startup enabled.
Did you clone your system disk or clean install Win 10 around the time this problem started? See discussion about disk space allocation for Optane enabled systems:
Clone HDD with Optane Memory enabled
Last edited by dalchina; 27 Jul 2023 at 00:10.