storage size keeps on shrinking without any activities

  1. Posts : 54
    windows 10

    storage size keeps on shrinking without any activities

    Recently, I am noticing on my window laptop the storage size keeps on shrinking, I am using WinDirStat to access every part of the C drive to determine where it's taking up the space most. At this point, it looks normal, I would be aware if there were activities would lead to gulping the space. Before all this, I had seen 80gb of space on C drive.

    Few things I would like to point out, whether it might have to do with windows crashes; led to dumping files, windows updates,(even though I clean up after this) or even backups ( External Drive)

    I would really appreciate if anyone is able to help to solve this bizzare issue

    Windows Version number
    • 21H2 (OSBuild 19044.2965
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    Do you mean that the available space is shrinking or the total size of a disk is shrinking?

    Please download CrystalDiskInfo - Crystal Dew World [en]
    run it as Admin and post screenshot to see if there is anything wrong with the disk.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 54
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    zebal said:
    Do you mean that the available space is shrinking or the total size of a disk is shrinking?.
    The available space is shrinking. I remember I had good amount of space with same settings, nothing really had been adding in that would bring it down to 15gb left.

    storage size keeps on shrinking without any activities-crystaldiskinfo_20230609124230.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    You can find out which folders take up most space with:

    Start -> settings -> system -> storage

    Here the list is sorted, click on each item to further sort it according to use of space.

    You can also try cleaning up disk space:
    Open and Use Disk Cleanup in Windows 10

    Important to run it both as Administrator and normal user if you have 2 accounts.
    Also check your downloads folder.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,309
    windows 10

    disk cleanup is old now the storage sense can be set to run every x days and as stated it shows exactly were the files are
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 54
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    zebal said:
    You can find out which folders take up most space with:

    Start -> settings -> system -> storage

    Here the list is sorted, click on each item to further sort it according to use of space.

    You can also try cleaning up disk space:
    Open and Use Disk Cleanup in Windows 10
    I have looked into the nitty and gritty of each files, however I want to identify if there were windows files that has been overriding and taking spaces.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    mik07 said:
    I have looked into the nitty and gritty of each files, however I want to identify if there were windows files that has been overriding and taking spaces.
    What do you mean by "windows files that has been overriding and taking spaces"?

    If you run disk cleanup as admin I'm sure you'll find a lot of junk such as windows updates which can be safely removed, have you run disk cleanup as Admin and how much space it freed up?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 54
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I would like to know if installer and WinSxS folders are important in the windows directory?
    I came across on clen up the WinSxS folderMS article
    I have added screenshot below
    storage size keeps on shrinking without any activities-windirstat.png
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6,845
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    I suggest you don't play with windows files and folders. Leave them as they are.

    There are two temp folders (\Windows/temp and \users\name\AppData\Local\temp) that can have a huge amount of useless files and folders.
    Also, all browsers has a huge amount of cache files that can be cleaned.
    I suggest you run CCleaner . It will clean the temp folders and the browsers cache.
    You can recover more than a 2G of space
      My Computers


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