Half of my RAM is hardware reserved

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  1. Posts : 17
    Windows 10

    Half of my RAM is hardware reserved


    I noticed that my computer was freezing at times when running a stock charting program that sends lots of data. With the help of their tech support I found out that 16.1Gb of my 32Gb Ram was hardware reserved. I did a Google search and tried the following:
    - unchecked maximum memory in System Config, Boot, Advanced Options
    - selected "adjust for best performance" in System Properties, Performance, Settings, Advanced and unchecked Automatically manage paging and set a custom size for Virtual Memory to 2048-4096
    - disabled SysMain in services.msc
    - adjusted for best performance in sysdm.cpl
    - disabled unnecessary programs to startup in task manager setup
    - changed power plan to High Performance
    - did a Disk Cleanup
    - deleted all in temp and %temp%
    - did a full scan on Malewarebytes
    - tried bcdedit /deletevalue and truncatememory commands but received error messages
    Running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
    System Model - B450 AORUS PRO WIFI
    Processor - AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core 3.60 GHz
    RAM - Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 3200
    Graphics Card - Radeon Rx 580 Series
    C drive 476Gb with 392Gb free holds all program files
    D drive 297 Gb with 161 Gb free
    E drive 931 Gb with 670 Gb free

    Appreciate your help,
    Last edited by LuCal; 31 Jan 2023 at 20:51.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 194
    Win 10 Pro 64b 22H2

    Well, according to the manufacturer web page (B450 AORUS PRO WIFI (rev. 1.x) Specification | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global

    4 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB of system memory
    Dual channel memory architecture
    Support for DDR4 3600(O.C.) / 3466(O.C.) / 3200(O.C.)/2933/2667/2400/2133 MHz memory modules
    Support for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in non-ECC mode)
    Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules
    Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules

    You would appear good. I would check that you have the two DIMM modules in the correct slots for just populating two DIMMs.

    Per the manual:
    Half of my RAM is hardware reserved-capture.png

    I would check you are using the correct DIMM slots for two modules.
      My Computer

  3. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    It could be the graphic card who is behind.....the freezing.
    It need some extra time instead of the default values.

    Try those keys with TdrDelay and TdrDiDelay, both with values 20. It may help.

    Attachment 384731
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 17
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Checked RAM Slots

    I opened the tower and saw that the modules are in slots 2 & 4 counting from left to right with 1 being closest to the cpu fan.

    Not sure how to proceed regarding: "Try those keys with TdrDelay and TdrDiDelay, both with values 20. It may help."
    I followed the HKEY path to Graphics Drivers and double clicked to this
    Name Type Data
    DxgKmIVersion REG_DWORD (49156)
    MinDxgKmIVerion REG_DWORD (20499)
    PlatformSupportMiracast REG_DWORD (1)
    UnsupportedMonitorModesAllowed REG_DWORD (1)
    I saw a TdrWatch folder but no TdrDelay or TdrDiDelay
    Last edited by LuCal; 31 Jan 2023 at 21:35.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,273
    W10-Pro 22H2

    I would guess that memory is being reserved for the on-board graphics, even though you are using a graphics card. You can find info on enabling, and setting allocated memory, in section 2.7 of the manual, downloadable from here.
      My Computer

  6. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    Open msconfig.exe
    Be sure that maximum memory is checked OFF.

    Attachment 384767

    Launch Hardware and Devices
    Type “msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic” in RUN and click on the “OK”.
      My Computers

  7. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    "With the help of their tech support I found out that 16.1Gb of my 32Gb Ram was hardware reserved."...you write.
    Attachment 384770

    Would be nice if you could post a pic of your Task Manager about this.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 17
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Half of my RAM is hardware reserved-screenshot-16gb-reserved.png
    I took this screenshot before opening the ThinkorSwim program

    - - - Updated - - -

    Half of my RAM is hardware reserved-screenshot-boot.png

    - - - Updated - - -

    NTN, I did the hardware diagnostic you suggested by typing msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic in Run, but no issues were found.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I've downloaded the Gigabyte manual and will take a look at it. Thanks
      My Computer

  9. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    If you open Resource Monitor (click in Task Manager under Memory..) does it show the same amount of RAM for hardware there too?
    Probably yes...

    Your UEFI/BIOS is overriding it. Inside the bios, the setting for the internal graphics card is set to use much more than necessary. Just adjust it to a lower memory buffer usage.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 17
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Half of my RAM is hardware reserved-screenshot-resource-monitor.png
    I restarted the computer and took this screenshot
      My Computer


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