What does gpupdate actually DO?
I cannot find an explanation of what gpupdate does, beyond something like "updates the group policy." But I can't find any definition of what that means. I'm looking for a more detailed explanation. For example, something like:
"It transfers group policy settings from the files in c:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy into the current registry control set."
"It takes the current registry settings that are related to group policies and makes those effective in the running system." (Is there even a concept of a CurrentControlSet registry setting not having immediate effect?)
"It takes the registry settings that are related to group policies and back-dates the c:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy files to reflect the current registry settings." (Yeah, I know it's probably not this.)
"It does both of the first two items."
...? (something else?)
Any clarification is appreciated. Thanks in advance.