What does gpupdate actually DO?

  1. Posts : 37

    What does gpupdate actually DO?

    I cannot find an explanation of what gpupdate does, beyond something like "updates the group policy." But I can't find any definition of what that means. I'm looking for a more detailed explanation. For example, something like:

    "It transfers group policy settings from the files in c:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy into the current registry control set."


    "It takes the current registry settings that are related to group policies and makes those effective in the running system." (Is there even a concept of a CurrentControlSet registry setting not having immediate effect?)


    "It takes the registry settings that are related to group policies and back-dates the c:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy files to reflect the current registry settings." (Yeah, I know it's probably not this.)


    "It does both of the first two items."


    ...? (something else?)

    Any clarification is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,176
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2

    My understanding is that it forces a re-read of the registry's 'policy' keys, nothing more.

    Hope this helps...
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 37
    Thread Starter

    You mean something akin to my second "or", RickC?

    So you might do a "REG ADD ..." and then you'd do a gpupdate to make that take effect right away?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Say for example you change a group policy in gpedit.msc to turn off autorun. But you want that to invoke now, not latter, not with a computer restart, but now. So you run the command gpupdate and it's invoked right there and then.

    Now you know.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,176
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2

    dpengel3 said:
    You mean something akin to my second "or", RickC?

    So you might do a "REG ADD ..." and then you'd do a gpupdate to make that take effect right away?
    Yes. The registry itself is not a 'change' mechanism per se, merely a repository of settings... even though, admittedly, some changes are dynamic. That's down to the OS, not the registry.

    Gpudate instructs the OS to re-read and act upon the 'policy' keys.
      My Computers


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