Game takes up to 5 attempts to launch, other apps launch, then close

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  1. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    I bet you didn't click that option.
    I bet I didn't even GET that option- the "right side of my screen" is actually YOUR screen, as depicted in your previous reply with the images- I kept your last reply here open as I followed your two suggestions to get into Cortana settings, so Cortana opened on top of the images of your screens. I never got the options your arrows point to- I never even got any Cortana screens except the sign-in screen I posted in the image.

    Like this:

    Nothing of any use in removing Cortana is anywhere on my screen, including but not limited to the screens you put orange arrows on.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,695
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Try this:

    win key + s
    cortana (don't hit enter)

    Note how the search window in post #8 2nd screenshot is above the taskbar.

    Doesn't work for you?

    Start Menu
    scroll down to Cortana
    Rt click it, click More, click App Settings
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    Try this: win key + s then cortana (don't hit enter)
    Yay! This worked! I was able to turn "Run Cortana at Startup" Off! Sadly, the Uninstall button is grayed out. So thank you.

    Now that we have disposed of the side issue, any thoughts on having to launch Skyrim Special Edition x3 or x4 to get it to finally start?

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 45,695
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Good- some things are much easier when you can actually see what's happening... .. sadly my crystal ball is down fo maintenance for the foreseeable future.

    Back to a simple example- have you yet tried launching e.g. Ultrasearch in Safe Mode?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Been unable to compute for a couple of weeks. I'll try getting to safe mode again, although in the intervening couple of weeks since I posted this, Ultra-Search has spontaneously begun to open normally on the first try. Apparently, what was going on was that it was launching but then abruptly minimizing itself. Now, it seems that some Windows Update fixed whatever that issue was.

    So my only remaining (regularly recurring) issue is the multiple tries it takes me to launch SSE sometimes.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks to all who have replied. Since the last 2 Windows Updates, UltraSearch now launches on the first try, but Skyrim Special Edition still takes several repetitive tries to launch.

    I have no idea how to even go about troubleshooting this, and the one other program (UltraSearch) that also seemed to require multiple attempts to launch turned out to be starting on the first try but then immediately minimizing itself for no apparent reason (that option was not enabled in UltraSearch settings.)

    So I give up. I'll just resign myself to either not playing the game or taking up to 5 tries to launch it. Thanks for all who tried to help. Marking this "Solved" with a request to the site designer to consider a "Surrender" button since there is currently no way for a user to indicate that non-solution.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 45,695
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Suggest you need a point of reference. E.g. a clean install of the same build of Win 10 (on a spare disk) and then see if there's an issue. If there isn't, the problem lies with your present installation or an incompatibility with some aspect of it.

    Considering the failures to launch - see the event log and your Reliability History.

    For much more detail- but whcih would be very hard to make sense of- capture the complete sequence of failure to launch with Sysinternals Procmon from MS (free).

    More: find any other reports of this. Is it a common problem- or not?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    As info, all of the red-background yellow X symbols are Skyrim launch failures. This is an example of two game launches, each requiring a total of 4 launch attempts to finally get the game running. Skyrim did not "stop working" as this report alleges, because that implies that it was ever launched and working to begin with.

    Also, I have no idea how this information helps me except to corroborate my testimony. Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Game takes up to 5 attempts to launch, other apps launch, then close-reliability-history-20210506.png  
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 45,695
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    .. which is why I suggested the other approaches. E.g.

    Bethesda Support

    How to Effectively Fix Skyrim Crashing on Startup
    Skyrim Crashes on Startup, Crash to desktop – Easy FIX

    - pplenty of results if you search as I suggested.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 23
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    .. which is why I suggested the other approaches. E.g.

    Bethesda Support
    How to Effectively Fix Skyrim Crashing on Startup
    Skyrim Crashes on Startup, Crash to desktop – Easy FIX
    - pplenty of results if you search as I suggested.
    Yes, there were tons of results when I searched as you suggested. However, a Google hit is not necessarily a solution.

    I tried ALL of the Skyrim-specific "fixes" before concluding that it is a Windows issue since the same installation of SSE ran flawlessly and launched on the first try every time under Windows 7.

    Bethesda support is useless, as is most game-publisher support with some notable exceptions *cough*CD Projekt Red*cough*, but I checked both of the other links you provided and confirmed that I had already been there, done that before posting here. I may not be a Windows guru, but I do know how to Google.

    Thanks for your response.
      My Computer


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