Corrosion doesn't always have to be visible to cause issues.
If you are using fresh, band-name batteries from a reliable stock, the battery should be replaced around every 3 years or so.
Looks like a motherboard issue to me at first glance. See if there is a BIOS update.
I have the latest BIOS and Gigabyte no longer update the 9 year old board. The batteries are from small UK Amazon suppliers so I can't guarantee their provenance.
If the batteries are still sealed airtight, then no problem.
But once batteries get exposed to air they slowly, very slowly.... discharge.
This is more noticeable when you have a bunch of batteries, that you only use occasionally. Iirc, it's the moisture in the air that acts as a conductor.
Maybe your motherboard needs... a new alternator.
If you suspect the new battery isn't good, you have to measure the voltage before you insert it on the MB.
New CR2032 normally has 3.3V
Mine is 6 years old and is still with 3.024V
Open Hardware monitor can read some voltages on my Gigabyte Z170 MB
Thanks for that Megahertz;
I wasn't aware of VBAT
I just checked my HWInfo64.
It shows VBAT at 3.104.
This is on a PC that is running 16 hours a day. The battery is the one supplied with the board. Nearly 5 years old.
27 or 28 thousand hours.
Crumbs these batteries don't cost much, any UK supermarket or hardware store will stock good brands of CR 2032.
Standard maintenance on the battery holder would be to use water and/or meths/alchohol with a pad of some material that does not loose bits.
Oils from the skin are not good, so very clean fingers or clean plastic tweezers, whatever, to insert the battery.
You need to do this on some new kit as well, there can be an 'industrial dirt film'.
The 5V from the power supply maintains enough juice to maintain the RTC and BIOS eprom.
If you turn the PS off, or disconnect the power from the supply to the wall then everything draws from the battery.
If there is a problem with the PS on that 5V then everything draws from the battery.
People who turn their PCs off but leave the PS on and plugged in will have their CR2032 last for years.
People who turn the PS off or disconnect the plug will have it last for months. 6 months is still a bit short.