Getting a Cooling Fan Error on my HP Laptop

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  1. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint

    I may be missing the point regarding the suggestion of the cooling fans connected USB, but this LAPTOP is hardly used
    The average use is an hour per day - no gaming
    During the first year, it was hardly used at all and kept in it's own draw in my den. This past year I use it around an hour a day, no gaming, just regular use.
    except in the most high temp environments I cannot see that the laptop should require such additional cooling.
    In many cases this 90B error has been resolved by a BIOS update. An examination of the HP site shows that BIOS updates were separately issued for 1903, 1909, 2004 and 20H2 and previous versions.
    The BIOS updates coinciding approx with the date of that build version of windows 10.

    I do appreciate that if the laptop was subjected to hours of use, with full load demand on CPU and graphics, this is then a different ball game

    That said we all have our own opinion of course, but I am convinced the first approach is to try and solve the 90B error rather than the purchase of a cooling fan/s or cooling mat
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 789
    Thread Starter

    Macboatmaster said:
    OK re the updates, try the reset please as explained.
    I did do the hard reset today and thought everything was fine until the fan started running loud again. I shut it down and restarted, got the error again. Went into HP support to update BIOS and that was not simple, it may be because my warranty expired, I don't know.

    Anyway, I want to thank you again for your time and trouble, but I'm leaving this alone for now. I will definitely be active in trying to resolve this error in the future. I will report back on my success. You have been very helpful in sharing your knowledge, I will refer back to this thread when needed, lots of valuable information here. I appreciate everyone's help.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint

    I did do the hard reset today and thought everything was fine until the fan started running loud again.
    This would tend to show a defect of some nature with the cooling system or the fan itself

    I cannot understand the BIOS update issue with HP support assistant as the Support assistant is NOT dependant on warranty in that regard.
    The only aspect of HP support assistant that depends on warranty is link within it to free online support from HP

    The update via the support assistant simply connects to the HP update site for your computer, just the same as you may do so by going to the site and then finds the updates and downloads and install them. See here

    I suspect you have signed up for some different manner of HP Support.

    If you wish to consider it, then use an alternative method to update the BIOS as here from the link I sent

    which is GO here

    and follow these instructions.
    1. Download the file by clicking the Download or Obtain Software button and saving the file to a folder on your hard drive (make a note of the folder where the downloaded file is saved).

    2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

    That said remember to also follow my earlier instructions which you can see again on the link
    Power adapter connected - not on battery ONLY
    reliable internet connection etc.

    YOU have not by any chance been running this laptop with it resting on some soft surface where the vents are partially obstructed - have you.

    If NOT I still go with the BIOS update

    Although that does NOT apply specifically to your laptop the principle is the same
    One of the functions of the BIOS is to monitor the temperature and adjust the operating conditions.
    Finally system information will tell you which BIOS version you have - from my previous post
    You can ascertain this by typing
    in the search bar on the taskbar
    when system information appears above click on it
    the system information window will open and it will tell you at the top of the main page the version - for example
    19041 is 2004
    and further down on that main page it will list the BIOS version - immediately below the Processor details it will report
    BIOS/UEFI version date
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,621
    Windows 10 Home

    BigFoot, I mention always using an external usb connected cooling assembly (one giant fan or twin fans) as a Going Forward idea. From personal experience, whether I use my laptops all day (or night) or just one hour a day or even less often, the external cooling assemblies greatly helps keep the laptops from getting hot enough to kick in a sudden, no-warning, shutdown. My laptops do get quite warm from time to time, however, no more sudden shutdowns. Heat is an enemy of civilian-grade electronics, the more one can keep temperatures down, the less one will have problems related to overheating. Presently, your laptop's problem is from X cause, after eliminating X cause, going forward, I recommend the cooling assembly for all future operations. And, it might even help keep temperatures down some during this present situation.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 789
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    Thanks to all who took the time to give me advice on this issue. I apologize for not replying sooner, but after the hard reset didn't work, I was hesitant to make any other changes, so I used the laptop for months. Sometimes there was no error displayed, and when it appeared, I hit Enter to dismiss it.

    I took it in to the shop to get it repaired. They said it wasn't dirty and nothing was wrong except a faulty fan that wasn't spinning properly and needed to be replaced. They replaced it with an HP fan, and it cost me $120. I'm happy I didn't do any further damage by using it, but it was used lightly.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint

    Thanks for posting the result
    I was correct I see in my suggestion
    This would tend to show a defect of some nature with the cooling system or the fan itself
    Pleased you got it sorted
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 789
    Thread Starter

    Macboatmaster said:
    Thanks for posting the result
    I was correct I see in my suggestion

    Pleased you got it sorted
    Thank you so much for your suggestion, I should have taken action sooner, my fault. It's working fine now, so I was lucky.
      My Computer


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