Disk cleanup not working as it should

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  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2

    Disk cleanup not working as it should

    Hi guys am new here, as in first time posting, but I have used ur site in the past. I really need help with a issue I have, as in everytime I run Windows 10 disk cleanup utility and clean up everything suggested by disk cleanup, for some strange reason where it says windows defender antivirus keeps increasing in size everytime the disk cleanup utility is ran. I don't know what to do.

    Pc: i7 9700k, gtx 1070, 32 GB ddr4 ram, z390 mobo, 850 evga PSU.
    Os: Fully updated with all the latest updates version 20h2
    Last edited by AliAbbs1988; 17 Feb 2021 at 18:05. Reason: Added system specs.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    AliAbbs1988 said:
    everytime I run Windows 10 disk cleanup utility and clean up everything suggested by disk cleanup, for some strange reason where it says windows defender antivirus keeps increasing in size
    Clarify what that means.

    Do you mean, for instance, that the Microsoft Defender checkbox might show 40 mb BEFORE the cleaning and then show 60 mb if you immediately open Disk Cleanup again, after the cleaning?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2
    Thread Starter

    Sorry if I caused some confusion, I genuinely thought my issue is self explanatory as in to what the problem is. Let me try again, when I run disk clean-up there are options which can be cleaned and u can select by selecting the little box and when it's selected it gains a tick showing that disk cleanup will clean this choosen segment of windows. Now the very first option in disk cleanup is Microsoft Defender Antivirus, the size shown was 25mb and when I ran it again it increased to 25.6mb and then when I ran disk cleanup again the size of Microsoft Defender Antivirus increased again to 26mb and then when I ran it for the 4th time it's now on 27.6mb I don't understand why this is happening. And what u replied yes that is what is happening.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    I just played with it myself and noticed that it showed 25.6 mb for Defender both before and after I ran Disk Cleanup.

    HOWEVER, after I closed Disk Cleanup and ran it yet again, the size shown was 0, which is what I would expect.

    I don't know why it showed 25.6 both before and immediately after. I can't recall seeing that before.

    I did NOT notice the size increase.

    I'd guess others have seen this too.

    What happens if you run Disk Cleanup 3 or 4 times. Is this something that has gone on repeatedly, for weeks?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,471
    windows 10

    Diskclean has been advanced to storage space you should use that and it can be run on auto
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2
    Thread Starter

    If I run disk cleanup utility 3 or 4 times it just keeps increasing in size everytime it's ran, I genuinely don't know why, but I missed a vital part of information, when I run disk cleanup let it finish cleaning up, I always restarted the pc and once I logged back into windows and I re ran disk cleanup it is then when I saw a increase in size. Is it possible u could try this, run disk cleanup utility then clean everything including windows defender, and then restart the pc and do that a few times say 4 or 5 times and see if the same happens to u? I appreciate it, I noticed this a few days back. I have made no changes to hardware or software, this is a clean install of Windows 10 20h2 fully updated

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just a quick updated completely formated my drive did a clean install of the os, bare bones, nothing installed, zero updates just right out the box experience, and I tested, does the exact same thing, opened disk cleanup, ran it, made sure windows defender antivirus is selected in disk cleanup, it started of as 118kb then after running it 4 times and then restarting the pc each time i ran disk cleanup utility it gradually increased to 185kb and I then stopped.

    - - - Updated - - -

    May I ask what version of windows are u on ignatzatsonic? And could u please test this further as in when u run disk cleanup utility and let it finish please re start the pc and repeat this, if u can do this for around 4 to 5 times and tell me the outcome I would be greatful
    Last edited by AliAbbs1988; 17 Feb 2021 at 22:33.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2
    Thread Starter

    Might not be to u, but whenever I use the disk cleanup utility it keeps increasing in size after every restart, 25mb, will increase to 26mb and so on and so on, until someone can actually explain what's happening, there is a issue at hand which I would like a fix for or if someone else can replicate the issue and confirm if it's a bug at Microsoft's end, that way it can be reported, because I formated my entire pc re installed the os using a fresh iso I downloaded and replaced my SSD with a new one and the issue is still there. So please don't say to me it's not worth the time being invested in when I spent 3k on my pc and haven't had a issue until now and tbh it's upsetting hearing that from someone whom isn't even helping
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2
    Thread Starter

    Sorry there is a issue, I have explained it, please stop saying there isn't, this isn't normal behaviour on how Disk cleanup should work, and as the pervious member said his works but he didn't re start his pc so I would like it if he could re test. And I am not wasting time, disk cleanup is needed as it used to clean temp and junk files and if I use it and the more I do the size is going to increase so I rather find a fix now then later.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If Ur not going to help me find a possible solution or at least a fix please don't reply back saying there is no issue, as that is not help, if u have nothing to offer me other then "it's not a issue" when clearly I have stated the problem please don't reply at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Right I was able to find someone in Australia whom has the identical issue, and I was able to replicate this issue on another machine so clearly this a bug in windows. Please if any fix is available I would appreciate it
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,104
    Windows 10 preview 64-bit Home

    I don't think there is an issue. Like other temporary files they'll always be recreated. In the image the first one is when I clear Defender's temp files which shows on the second image. The third image is after a reboot. Returned as expected and never a large file. Try removing Temp Internet files and the same thing happens.

    Disk cleanup not working as it should-screenshot_1.png
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 20h2
    Thread Starter

    I see Ur windows defender has slightly increased from 32.3 to 32.8 can u do me a favour can u clean this a few times, and each time it's cleaned restart the pc and see if it increases further, I don't think it's normal for Windows defender to keep increasing its files when the whole point of disk cleanup is to remove files not increase in size

    Thank u for the reply
      My Computer


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