Desktop failing to sleep

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  1. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    I'll take my chances between monthly updates over the forced preview updates BS M$ is pulling. It's nice to have options. Not to mention the insomnia issue.
    Last edited by steve108; 12 Mar 2021 at 16:27.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 x64

    A unique solution

    I've also had a lot of trouble getting my Windows 10 computer to sleep automatically. Sometimes it will and sometimes it won't, which is very frustrating. I've tried all kinds of things people have suggested but nothing has worked and it takes a long time to determine if it helped or not. One day, I realized it would be faster to just write a C# console app that would put the computer to sleep when the screen saver had been running for a certain time and there were no PowerCfg SYSTEM requests that were not overridden. I called it SleepingPill.exe and used Task Scheduler to run it at system startup. Since that time the computer has never had insomnia and there have been no bad side-effects. I've posted the solution on GitHub under LaneBrown, if anyone's interested.
      My Computer


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