W10 Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    W10 Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference

    Hi folks

    I'm running 3 VM's - one a W10 pro X-64 , one ocasionaly an XP VM -reason stated later in this post but not normally started automatically and a W2K9K server which I've "jigged" to behave like a desktop -- performance difference between the 2 is quite staggering - gave both systems same mem. cpu etc etc . Both VM's on fast SSD.

    W10 runs like an old Donkey compared with W2K19 server -- OK I know a lot can't get their greasy mits on that type of server (you might be able to get a trial version) but why the difference between the two. Same installed apps on both.

    Even when both VM's are quiesced the CPU use of W10 is going all over the place - this is after both systems booted up and left for a while so any start up things should have loaded and done their business.

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_125628.png

    Any Windows (or Windows server) gurus out there have any idea -- what can I kill from Windows 10 start up so it seems as lean and mean as the server.

    BTW on the server I've installed all the "Desktop experience" such as video / multimedia / sound so it's as near to a standard W10 pro desktop as possible.

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_131341.png

    Host machine has plenty of resources - 64GB RAM, dual processor (i.e 2 physical CPU's), 2 X ethernet fast 10GB LAN ports, 2 GPU ports plus one old fashioned VGA (terminal) type port, SSD's etc. Lack of resources on Host - not an issue

    Last edited by jimbo45; 17 Feb 2021 at 11:33.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 231

    I would like to find that magic unicorn as well. W10 Pro is just too busy!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
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    jonnied12 said:
    I would like to find that magic unicorn as well. W10 Pro is just too busy!
    just as an example = Photoshop runs perhaps faster than it ever did on an older "Real " system.
    On W2K19 Server It starts almost instantly.

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_153751.png

    Even this old "hairy Chestnut" works -- Winamp

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_155410.png

    --I like that because it uses gracenote to "tag and tack" CD iso audio images - and for Classical music is far better than the "Freedb" stuff etc.

    OK if Classical music isn't your thing I understand but it shows the flexibilty of W2K19 --I'll bet Ms never thought of "Bonkers people like me" using it as a nice efficient Desktop OS !!!!

    on the W10 VM it takes a while to load.

    Even this works fine - Nero for creating Audio CD;s and burning them via image recorder to .nrg files, -Those though won't mount so link to say an XP VM and use something like Alcohol 120% or Alcohol 52% to mount the .nrg image and then you can copy to MD (Minidisc) or whatever -- even burn new Vinyls !!!.

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_161409.png

    Don't though try and install Acohol 52% or Alcohol 120% on W2K19 though -- the iSCSI driver will bomb out at boot and you won't in any way be able to recover the system -- just use a W23K server or Windows XP to mount the .nrg image as an audio disc and then use recording software to record to target devices. Here's recording to a MD recorder (Pro model so no Sony DRM etc and can record flac) using an XP virtual system - so simply copy the .nrg files to the XP VM. !!

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210207_201336.png

    The only thing I haven't been able to get running is Macrium as it "Detects a Server" so wants the server version of its software (expensive) - however the Stand alone bootable recovery works just fine -- set the W2K19 server to boot from the stand alone bootable recovery Macrium ISO image.

    Also a load of languages aren't available -- but most of us on these boards can understand English (or at least I hope so).

    Ms Office 2019 has no problems on it -- previous server versions would reject "retail" versions of Office - even VL ones from being installed on a server.

    C'mon Ms why is W10 so bloated and inefficient compared with W2K19 server.

    Even things you shouldn't run on a server e.g "Old W7 Games" like spider solitaire work quickly and efficiently on it.

    I.T Admins I know will hate me and try anything to keep me away from their servers especially running old "Games" on them!! However they might be doing this stuff themselves when their bosses aren't looking !!!..

    W10  Pro vs W219K configured as desktop Performance difference-screenshot_20210217_154853.png

    If you Natively run W10 (I.e Not as a VM) - not too bad and it's a decent OS for most -- but why not allow users who know what they are doing to get the performance of W2K19 server on to W10.

    Maybe @Edwin might have some ideas as he usually does things with windows (and get them working !!) that probably nobody on this planet has ever even thought of !!! -- Maybe a grandchild of "Roswell 1948" !!!.

    Last edited by jimbo45; 17 Feb 2021 at 11:31. Reason: added more screenshots - spider solitaire and winamp
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    jimbo45 said:
    ...Maybe @Edwin might have some ideas...
    Unfortunately, I'm rather clueless about VM's and the like!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
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    Edwin said:
    Unfortunately, I'm rather clueless about VM's and the like!
    Hi there

    have a go - it's not too difficult and you might (actually be very good) in this. I knew absolutely ZERO about VM's until I read about the idea and then spent several days / weeks almost throwing computers out of my house!!l Worth persisting with even if initially it's nothing but sheer frustration. !!

    Really glad I persisted.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    jimbo45 said:
    Hi there

    have a go - it's not too difficult and you might (actually be very good) in this. I knew absolutely ZERO about VM's until I read about the idea and then spent several days / weeks almost throwing computers out of my house!!l Worth persisting with even if initially it's nothing but sheer frustration. !!

    Really glad I persisted.

    Oh, I'd probably enjoy it...,

    just too stinkin busy lately..., designing and consulting on a half a dozen live streams, I can't risk compromising my Workhorse PC either!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
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    Edwin said:
    Oh, I'd probably enjoy it...,

    just too stinkin busy lately..., designing and consulting on a half a dozen live streams, I can't risk compromising my Workhorse PC either!
    Hi there



    I ;always enjoy your posts even though I think you are probably even more "Bonkers" than I am !!

    Good Luck

    and on W2K19 server - It's the first Windows system that could give Linux servers a "run for their money" --it works brilliantly -- Shame W10 isn't based on it -- It's the ist Windows system I've ever experienced since W2K3 that the OS is absolutely mega efficient so as I said before C'mom ms get W10 to work like W2K19 server without all the bloat.

    Actually it was you who got me started even if indirectly on all this VM stuff.

    Keep safe -- at least here we are getting out of "Lockdown" == small countries can manage this.

    Cheers and thanks

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro


    I would speculate that servers are intended to be lean out of box as the expectation is that qualified server admins/engineers would be setting up the functionality that these systems would require. On the other hand, Windows 10 is intended to be the general purpose for everybody to use. It's going to include more functionality for basic everyday use, productivity, hardware support, gaming, etc.

    I haven't ever really spent much time running a server OS as a desktop...primary due to the types of problems like the Macrium issue that you mentioned above. So, I don't have a first hand knowledge of the types of performance we would see versus these 2 OS's for the standard apps that I use.

    with that said, I've never found Windows 10 to really feel that bloated or slow performance wise. I've always been working on a pretty decent machine, with sufficient RAM and also on SSD. I tend to only install what I need onto my actual machine, and play and experiment with everything else in a VM so I don't clutter up my host machine with crap I don't want consuming any resources, and leaving crap behind after uninstall. Therefore, i haven't really felt it necessary to turn of fservices and trying to get more performance out of Windows 10. My experience in previous OS's (XP, Vista, 7), with things like Vipers guide that a few changes would make a performance difference, then with enough changes the box would actually slow down or error out. I think slow downs are caused by services that are not running automatically and are having to start when called upon.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
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    pparks1 said:

    I would speculate that servers are intended to be lean out of box as the expectation is that qualified server admins/engineers would be setting up the functionality that these systems would require. On the other hand, Windows 10 is intended to be the general purpose for everybody to use. It's going to include more functionality for basic everyday use, productivity, hardware support, gaming, etc.

    I haven't ever really spent much time running a server OS as a desktop...primary due to the types of problems like the Macrium issue that you mentioned above. So, I don't have a first hand knowledge of the types of performance we would see versus these 2 OS's for the standard apps that I use.

    with that said, I've never found Windows 10 to really feel that bloated or slow performance wise. I've always been working on a pretty decent machine, with sufficient RAM and also on SSD. I tend to only install what I need onto my actual machine, and play and experiment with everything else in a VM so I don't clutter up my host machine with crap I don't want consuming any resources, and leaving crap behind after uninstall. Therefore, i haven't really felt it necessary to turn of fservices and trying to get more performance out of Windows 10. My experience in previous OS's (XP, Vista, 7), with things like Vipers guide that a few changes would make a performance difference, then with enough changes the box would actually slow down or error out. I think slow downs are caused by services that are not running automatically and are having to start when called upon.
    Hi there


    Nothing wrong per se in W10 - I was just comparing standard performances on 2 different VM's.

    I will try and compare on real Native hardware later. OK most people won't be able to replicate the test(s) but I really do get the impression that W2K19 server is efficient however you use it even if "unofficially" as a desktop.

    All I can say on this is that the W2K19 server that I've cludged as a desktop performance wise runs absolute rings around the standard W10 system. Now i need to do tests on "Real Machines" of course.

    Comparison for example -- an old East German trabi car compared to a modern BMW M4 !


    Last edited by jimbo45; 17 Feb 2021 at 13:30.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 9
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Oh man, this is exciting!
    I feel a little like a guppy in a shark tank, but I'd love to toss my hat into the "make this happen please!" box.
    I'm currently on W10Pro for my primary workstation, and I've noticed that it's not nearly as snappy as it was before I upgraded from W7. Same hardware, only the OS is different.
    I have access to WS2019 through a friend who works for MS, so if that turns out to be a viable option for daily desktop use, I'd hop all over that. @jimbo45, would you mind sharing your 'desktop tweaks'?
    I could sandbox a VM and see if I can replicate the experiment on my end. I already have a W10Pro VM that I use for sketchy apps and such.
      My Computer


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