Startup Menu Fatal Error Message (And TaskBar Search/Windows 10 Icon)

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  1. Posts : 25
    Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 (installed over Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Update 2/20/20

    I decided to watch the YouTube video on Creating a Repair Disc for Windows 10 and I was successful in having the Windows 10 ISO File on my Desktop. I also clicked on the pop up screen asking to create a CD/DVD disc… nothing happened and clicked on Finish. I then clicked on the ISO file and “Set-Up”… Then re-installed Windows 10 and also updates. Everything appears to be working properly, except one more major problem in which I need to click on F12 to open into my Desktop… Also, I now have the ISO file on my desktop and a second copy. I also was successful in crating a Memory Stick and a CD/DVD Disk with copies of this ISO file (for backups).

    Further, I also was able to close my computer after trying to create a Memory Stick and CD/DVD disc (had problems) and my computer opened up into the desktop without clicking on F12. Other times when I clicked Shut Down and also completely powered off the AC power (over two minutes)…. And later tried to open up the Windows 10, I needed to click on F12 “One time Boot Menu.” Or if I got a blank screen with the cursor in the upper top left I needed to click on Ctrl>Alt>Del... to the One time Boot Menu. Then I had to click on click on SATA SSD and the computer will open up into my Windows 10 Desktop.

    >> To boot from an external medium you will need to change boot priority (what the PC looks for first to boot from) in your BIOS.<<
    In the past I had a problem clicking on “System Setup”… so reluctant to click on anything other then SATA?
    Question #1- Where can I change the boot priority, if I need to do this? Other then clicking on SATA as I have done in the past. And should I change to CD/DVD ISO file? That is for future use of F12 One time Menu Boot and/or using the ISO File? And do I need to click on something, to get my computer to start up normally? From the Boot Menu and/or ISO Repair File.
    Startup Menu Fatal Error Message (And TaskBar Search/Windows 10 Icon)-02-boot-menu.jpg

    Question #2- How do I normally have my computer automatically go into my Windows 10 Desktop when starting up? Where in my Control Panel do I need to go to and correct this? Also, If I click on “Run” and “Prompt” I can see the DOS prompt but do not know what to type in? If I need to go this route.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,650
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Question #1- Where can I change the boot priority, if I need to do this?
    That's in your BIOS, so you need to access that. That's normally a key like, say, F2, or some manufacturers actually display a prompt when booting the PC- it varies.

    If you search for e.g.
    boot to BIOS <motherboard name>
    boot to BIOS <PC type>

    you should find some information.

    When in your BIOS, choose the device you wish the PC to look for first to be the first in the list.

    Bootable disks: I posted above how to create a bootable Win 10 flash drive; you can burn a Win 10 iso to a DVD and use that too.

    Question #2- How do I normally have my computer automatically go into my Windows 10 Desktop when starting up?
    I don't know why you are seeing the black screen and cursor as you are- that's typical of a PC with e.g. no system disk in it.

    You can try:
    - disabling fast startup in Windows
    - Booting from a Win 10 install disk, click 'Repair your computer' and navigate to 'Startup repair'.

    If that fails, Macrium reflect's boot disk has a useful 'Fixboot' utility on it.

    As regards your 'One time boot' menu - this could be how your BIOS works (my other laptop lists devices when I'm booting from other than my system disk).

    Have you ever dual booted or installed any other tools to control boot options?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 5,570
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    Startup Menu Fatal Error Message (And TaskBar Search/Windows 10 Icon) Attached Files
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 25
    Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 (installed over Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter


    I clicked on F2 and it opens into Setup Utility (also clicking on Setup within the one time boot menu) both brings up the Setup Utility. It shows BIOS Version A04 (dell PC). I re-set for the boot startup to look at the CD/DVD and USB stick…. Both times it froze the computer (I believe I got a message for the CD/DVD not recognized).. When it tries to access the CD/DVD or USB stick the red light flickers to show some activity to access it. MAYBE MY ISO FILE REPAIR (ON MY DESKTOP AND ON A CD/DVD AND MEMORY STICK) IS NOT WORKING CORRECTLY??? Also Diagnostics shows no problems. I also clicked on set to Defaults within the Setup Utility and still no change. The only thing that works is clicking on the SATA SSD (within the one time boot menu).

    I have not installed other tools for a reboot. I have not disabled fast startup in Windows yet. I did the Windows 10 install and created a Windows 10 ISO file (repair disc). I do not see in this file where it says "Navigate to "Startup Repair"???
    And I still have not gone to Macrium reflect's boot disk for a useful 'FixBoot' Utility.'

    Dal I know you are very helpful in all your prompt replies and appreciate it. However, I do not have the time to take care of all of this, so a week goes by. But again appreciate your help very much.. I will work on your comments some more in the near future.


    Sy S
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 25
    Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 (installed over Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Update- 3/11/2020

    My computer is working fine now! It starts up and automatically goes into my desktop.
    Unfortunately I can not tell you how this came about, read below.

    I saw a YouTube video and it said turn off the computer a few times and when it starts up the computer will fix itself. So I did this once and my computer locked up. I finally got it up and running again, but my Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome URL was not working. However, from my download folder I was able to re-install Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome… and now both are working correctly. However, I still had to go to the One time boot menu and click on SATA SSD. And after a week, the computer then automatically started correctly. So the above problem has been solved.

    My final problem, is getting a working Repair Disc (see previous comments on this problem)…. For now I do not plan on trying to solve this…. And I will leave well enough alone. However, perhaps in the future I might try >>Macrium reflect's boot disk has a useful 'Fixboot' utility on it<<.

    Dal, thank you very, very much for your time and trying to help!


    Sy S.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 45,650
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Glad it's worked out.. make sure you keep your disk images up to date.
      My Computers


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