Update 2/20/20
I decided to watch the YouTube video on Creating a Repair Disc for Windows 10 and I was successful in having the Windows 10 ISO File on my Desktop. I also clicked on the pop up screen asking to create a CD/DVD disc… nothing happened and clicked on Finish. I then clicked on the ISO file and “Set-Up”… Then re-installed Windows 10 and also updates. Everything appears to be working properly, except one more major problem in which I need to click on F12 to open into my Desktop… Also, I now have the ISO file on my desktop and a second copy. I also was successful in crating a Memory Stick and a CD/DVD Disk with copies of this ISO file (for backups).
Further, I also was able to close my computer after trying to create a Memory Stick and CD/DVD disc (had problems) and my computer opened up into the desktop without clicking on F12. Other times when I clicked Shut Down and also completely powered off the AC power (over two minutes)…. And later tried to open up the Windows 10, I needed to click on F12 “One time Boot Menu.” Or if I got a blank screen with the cursor in the upper top left I needed to click on Ctrl>Alt>Del... to the One time Boot Menu. Then I had to click on click on SATA SSD and the computer will open up into my Windows 10 Desktop.
>> To boot from an external medium you will need to change boot priority (what the PC looks for first to boot from) in your BIOS.<<
In the past I had a problem clicking on “System Setup”… so reluctant to click on anything other then SATA?
Question #1- Where can I change the boot priority, if I need to do this? Other then clicking on SATA as I have done in the past. And should I change to CD/DVD ISO file? That is for future use of F12 One time Menu Boot and/or using the ISO File? And do I need to click on something, to get my computer to start up normally? From the Boot Menu and/or ISO Repair File.
Question #2- How do I normally have my computer automatically go into my Windows 10 Desktop when starting up? Where in my Control Panel do I need to go to and correct this? Also, If I click on “Run” and “Prompt” I can see the DOS prompt but do not know what to type in? If I need to go this route.