About Dual boot
if having installed Windows 10 Pro - but OS suffers cannot update OS neither install nor update Applications
If I wanted dual boot it
If insert a second SSD, and install Windows 10 Pro --- this process will create a Boot loader...
This afternoon (Sunday 26th Aug) I've started getting a Crash Log message appear on my PC with the following message:
Crash Logs
The program or a background process quit unexpectedly. Would you like to send information about this to the...
For the past few days, explorer.exe has crashed several times each day. Get an event logged similar to the one below.
{noformat}Faulting application name: Explorer.EXE, version: 10.0.15063.332, time stamp: 0x2bdd7016
Faulting module name:...
Have noticed that i seem to get sky high DPC at soem occasions.
I haven't really suffered from anything before, but recently i had some audio glitches which i haven't been able to reproduce.
As i have overclocked recently with offset voltage i...
I am not sure how I got here but Win 10 hangs in the boot process. It hangs at the point where the login screen should be appearing. Actually it is the step before that as I don't get the picture. The system goes to a black screen and becomes...